80~ His Brutality

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Author's POV

"Daddy," she chirped in her childish tone, grabbing her doll and climbing onto her father's stomach. She poked his hard muscles with her tiny fingers, feeling their stonelike firmness, and praised, "Daddy is so strong," causing him to look at her with a small smile on his lips.

"Looks like Daddy's princess wants something now? Didn't she like her birthday gifts?" he asked in amusement, tucking her baby curls behind her ear before tying a platinum pendant with her name on it around her neck.

It had the same design as his wife's chain, except for the change of name and its size.

"Isn't it beautiful?" he sweetly asked, pulling her into his arms and pecking her pouty lips while adjusting her hair clip properly.

"Alana doesn't want those gifts," she sadly said, avoiding eye contact with her father and looking at the ten different dollhouses he had gifted her for her birthday.

He always gave her whatever she wished for, even the things she didn't voice out. But this time, she wanted something else, something special. She knew her Dadda never neglected her wishes, but the thing she wanted was a little bigger.

"Fine, Dadda will fulfill his princess's two wishes. Go ahead," he assured with a plain smile, staring at her cute chubby face with adoration.

She fidgeted with her tiny fingers before confirming with her plushie, "Will Dadda get angry at Ala?"

He understood the question was for him and immediately discerned her one wish out of two. Still, he smiled and played along, "Dadda won't get angry at his princess. Now, say."

Her eyes shined, and she immediately asked for her first wish, "Let me meet the secret fairy, Dadda. Last day, you weren't present at my birthday party. This is Dadda's punishment by Ala."

A wide smile broke on his lips, and he whispered rubbing his beard on her cheek, "The wish is granted."

Her big eyes glistened; it was the first time her Dadda didn't get angry at the mention of the secret fairy, causing her happiness to surpass any boundary.

"Second wish?" he asked with a playful smile, staring at her small, thoughtful face, which looked so adorable.

She clearly inherited his features, except for those beautiful deep black orbs that weren't his, but someone else's, of course, her so-called mother.

"I don't want to play that dirty game, Dadda. Jade tickles me, and I don't like calling him Dadda. He even looks like you, so I don't want that, I want you to be the only hero," she whispered, complaining about his assistant, causing him to smile in return.

He sloppily kissed both her cheeks and whispered, "You don't have to. Dadda will find a permanent solution for his princess."

There was a strong promise in his voice, with his thoughts swirling on that topic. He was reluctant to complete it by hook or by crook, and the smile on his lips was proof of the evilness he was up to. But the little kid smiled, totally unaware of the ground reality.

His phone beeped, and his daughter was quick enough to grab it from the bedside table before speaking, "Hello! Dadda is busy with his princess. He won't be able to talk to you. Stay away from him; he is just mine."

He chuckled at her possessive tone and explained, "Ala, it's a text message, baby, not a phone call."

Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment, and she hid her face in his chest, giggling at her embarrassing situation.

He chuckled at her shyness and took the phone from her little palm. It was a simple text but enough to turn his mood upside down.

The smile on his lips faltered at a fast pace, and he carefully placed his scared daughter on the bed before calling out for his assistant, "Jade."

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