Chapter one A celebration

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It was a beautiful spring day. The sun shone brilliantly through the stained glass windows. Colorful lights painted the carpet below. Flames danced above long tapered candles. Wax weeping down the surfaces as they rested in the golden candelabras.

King Ashvin Lorcan paced the crimson-carpeted floor. His hand clasped behind his back. The slightest sound would startle him; causing him to stop and look up.

Today was an important day. The most important day. Not only for himself but also for... A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts.

He faced the door and squared his shoulders. Standing tall, emulating all the authority of the king he was. He took a deep breath. "Enter." His deep voice boomed loud enough to be heard through the doors and into the hallway.

The large ornately carved wooden doors opened to reveal a thin older man dressed in a uniform.  "They have arrived, your majesty."

"Thank you, George. Show our guests to the main hall."

The door shut. The king was once again alone with his thoughts.

He had invited all the surrounding kingdoms to join in the celebration of Crown Prince Galen Rowan Lorcan's 13th birthday.

He breathed a heavy sigh. He had not seen Eden in three years. Three very long years. That's when it all began. The curse.

Eden Hollis Thorn. He had been friends with him since they were children. He would have done anything for him. Well almost. He understood his reasons for... another knock. Seriously! "Enter!" He yelled. His nerves were frazzled. He just had to get through today successfully.

George entered and bowed. "We are ready, your majesty."

"Good. Good." He replied nervously as he strode towards the doors. His cape fluttered as he moved. "Thank you, George."


Dahlia could barely contain her excitement. It was her first time visiting another kingdom. The Lorcan Kingdom was mountainous. The castle sat high. Looking out over the rest of the kingdom. It was simply magnificent. Grander than anything in the overgrown forest Kingdom of Azalea.

The Great Hall was brimming with people. All of the surrounding kingdoms came. The Lorcan king greeted his esteemed guests. He informed them that his son would not be able to join in the celebration because he had fallen ill.

Dahlia looked around. There were no other children her age. Aside from her twin brother Everest Sage. He was busy eating.

He was always eating lately. He told her that 10-year-old boys needed to eat more so they could grow taller. She giggled as she watched him trying to be dignified while wanting to stuff his face. Too bad for him. He would just have to wait until he was home.

Dahlia was naturally curious and often found herself getting into trouble. But that didn't stop her from wandering off. She looked around for her father. He was talking with the king.

This was her chance. Her only opportunity. So she took it and headed towards the wooden door peeking out from behind the heavy velvet curtains. She held her breath as she carefully opened the door and closed it behind her.

She let out a small sigh at the sight before her. Crimson carpets covered the floors and stairs that led both to her right and her left.

In front of her was a grand open space lined with stained glass windows.

Movement to her right caught her attention. There, hidden in the shadows on the staircase, she noticed a small figure hunched over.

Ever so carefully, she climbed the stairs lined with red carpet, following the shadowy creature as it climbed higher.

She called out to it. "Wait, stop."

He turned to look at her. Then scurried faster to get away.

Her slippered foot caught on the hem of her dress. She stumbled forward bracing herself with her hands on the stairs. "I just want to play with you." She whimpered. Struggling to hold back the tears; as pain pierced the palms of her hands and wrists.

He stopped and looked at her. His dark crimson eyes reminded her of the roses that grew on the walls of the palace at home.

"Why aren't you at the party? Are board with it too?" She dusted her bruised hands on her dress.

He stifled a laugh. "I'm not allowed."

"Then do you want to play with me? My name is Dahlia. What's yours? I'm from Azalea."

"The kingdom of flowers?" His voice was soft and soothing.

"Yes! You've heard of it? Our kingdom is very small, but it is so beautiful. Have you ever been there before?"

He started to creep down the stairs when they heard the nursemaids coming. "I have to go."

"Wait. What's your name?" She reached out for him.

He panicked and ran up the stairs slipped into the first room to the right on the landing and quietly closed the door. Leaving the little girl alone on the stairs.

One of the nursemaids spotted her. "What are you doing here?" Her brows knit together as she took in her appearance.

While the other nursemaids went into the room, Dahlia tried her best to peek inside, but the woman stepped in the way. "You're not supposed to be here. You're supposed to be in the Great Hall with the other guests."

"Oh. I got lost." She peered to the side. "What's up there?" She pointed to the room the figure escaped into.

"Never you mind about that. Let's get you back to the party, shall we?" She ushered her down the stairs and back to the celebration.

Dahlia could think of nothing else as she stared at the curtain that concealed the door.

"Where were you?"

She smiled as she turned to greet her brother, with her hands on her hips. "Did you miss me, Everest Sage?"

"Tell me you didn't get into any trouble." He said between bites.

"You know me." She replied innocently.

"Exactly! Father's been looking for you." He leaned in. "And just so you know, he's not happy with you."

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