Chapter 8 [Car racing event]

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Author's pov****

"Hey I am  back Rudra" A girl enter into Rudra's office and hug him,

**********His outfit***********

" Anamika But you were supposed to come tonight" Rudra said to her ,

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" Anamika But you were supposed to come tonight" Rudra said to her ,

" So what if I came little sooner aren't you happy to see me" She said while making sad face,

" No that's not what I mean just go home I have to do some work " I said to her while apart her from me ,

" Hey we soonly getting married don't you think we have to spend sometime with each other" Anamika said to Rudar while talking his hand,

" You know why I accept to marry you" Rudra said to Anamika while giving her a warning look,

" Yes I know but your mother said me to be with you " Anamika said to Rudar, when someone knock on the door,

" Coming in" Rudra said and Rahul coming in ,

" Bhai vo.....oh" Rahul about to say something but stop when he saw Anamika ,

" Oh hey Rahul how are you" Anamika ask him,

" I am fine" Rahul answer bit rudely and Anamika making face after hearing his answer,

" Bhai let's go otherwise we will late for the event . We only have two hours" Rahul said to Rudra,

"You all go, I will be there in one hour . I have some work to do" Rudra said and Rahul left the office,

" Event what kind of event it is. I also wanna join that event " Anamika said to Rudar,

" Ok you can go with them " Rudra said to her while sitting on the chair and start working on his laptop,

" No I wanna go with you " Anamika said while sitting on the couch,

" Ok then sit here quietly" Rudra said to Anamika,

           ***At event venue***

           ***At event venue***

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