part 35

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Yoongi and Jimin were waiting for mr and mrs  kim at the airport today they were coming from korea Jimin and yoongi leave korea right after that incident for some reasons

Yoongi was working on jimin's passport work from way before their marriage he knew oneday he have to take Jimin away from everyone.

After meeting Yoongi personally mr park liked the boy he was mature and was aware of his responsibilities knows how to take care of onse he loved far better than jeon jungkook so he agreed and let him take jimin with him .

" How are you mom dad?" Yoongi speak after greeting them with a warm hug .

" We are God son how are you Jimin"mrs kim turned towards Jimin taking him in her embrace she asked politely making Jimin smile at her kindness.

" I'm Good mom lets go home you guys must be tired" he said as yoongi take their belongings and they make their way to their home .


"Yoongi everything will be alright don't take to much stress i can't see you like this"after biding Goodnight to their parents they came in their room seeing yoongi who was looking so tense Jimin spoke.

"Nothing will be alright Jimin he was mom dad's sunshine we loved him so much his little laughter were the only source to bring joy to our lives . That incident shatters everything. Just because of that Basterd that jeon we are in this condition "Yoongi said greeting his teeth in pure rage.

" Yoongi please relaxe who will take care of mom and dad if you will behave like this you need to be strong for us " jimin said sitting beside him as he poured a glass of water for him.

"Thank you so much Jimin i can't even imagine  how would I've handle all of this without you being here with me" he said after taking a sip of water keeping the glass aside he cup jimin's face in his palms.

" If not me then there would have been someone else in my place " Jimin said shrugging his shoulders playfully.

" No no one can take your place this yoongi belongs to jimin Only " he said placing a soft kiss on his forehead.


The room was cold and drowned in darkness the only source of light was the moon's light and it was irritating the person who was sitting while surrounded by hundreds of photos of someone he loved dearly deeply passionately someone whom he lost over his ego and he regret every second of that time when he ignore that person . The person who turned a Wild monster like him into a weakest person .

" My Tae" picking up a picture from the bed he kissed it and put it over his chest where his heart is which beats for taehyung only .

" Where are you my moon don't you see i miss you there is pain which i feel since the day you leave there's pain in my chest it's caused by the absence of you come back love i can't take it anymore " he gulped the remaining liqueur in his throat as a loan tear skipped from his swollen eyes it has been two weeks since his tae leave him and every passing second feels like an year to jungkook.

"When this wait will be over so i can take you in my arms again?" It was 3 am for everyone it must be the time to sleep to take rest but for jungkook it was another hour he's spending without taehyung .

He can't sleep because his mind was awake for certain someone who was not there.
He was drinking himself into amnesia to forget someone who left .

" Not being able to touch you to not to see you  whenever i open my eyes is a complete absolute torture to me tae . I feel like to scratch my skin when i realised you are not around " he said kissing taehyung's picture several times as countless tears slipped from his eyes wetting his cheeks they disappear in his neck .

"You are just like drug tae I've become addicted to And it fuckking hurts that i can't be with youu  i crave your eyes, your laughter,  the warmth of your breath, the scent if your body , i crave the opening of your lips, the way your body shrinks everytime it feels my touch, without it I'm just a body without its soul,  without you nothing feels good my Tae"

" Your love restes in a deep part of my heart that can never be shared "  He said clutching the pandent on his neck mrs kim gave him the other day she said this pendent was so dear to him so he keep it safe closer to his heart.

"My eyes are tired of crying now they wanna see you i love you with the deeper love any human's heart ever known . I'll always wait to meet you again so i can promise to never hurt you again to  never leave you again " he said hugging taehyung's clothes close to his chest the alcohol stars showing its effects when his eyes feels so heavy and gave up as he drowned into a deep slumber while few more tears make their way on his cheeks.


2year later

JEON JUNGKOOK was sitting on a chair and Infront of him was the person he was looking for everywhere the person who makes his nights sleepless who take away his wife from him . After facing hundreds of hurdles finally he was able to catch this man .

He was the brother of kim whom he killed for choi he was seeking revenge from jungkook. But he didn't knew he mess with a wrong person jungkook may have shot him if he hadn't touched his wife leading him right there to painful death but shooting him now would be an easy death for him that's why he was here tied up from the last 5 days  . It has been 5 day's of jungkook trying every kind of torture on him from burning his both arms and putting salt and every kind of spices on them to plucking out his nails from its skin jungkook tried many things on him .

"who is this man sir  and what have he done to end up like this" jungmin said entering in the room  seeing that man's condition he got Gossebumps.

" He touched my wife he h-e-e bu-rned him my tae was crying in pain but he-"

"No  he h-e di-dn-'nt died   h-e  w-a-s ali-" that man tried so hard to speak between his sobbs .

" What do you mean he died on the spot  jis brother said his body was fully burnt" jungmin said frowning deeply as jungkook lost himself in thoughts.

" Nooo he was alive when his Brother reached there he saved him " he pleads

Jungkook didn't said anything and came out of the room as jungmin followed him

" Sir didn't you heard what he said "

" What should i listen that taehyung was alive but didn't come to me? He's just lieing so i can spare his life" he said sitting in sofa as he liten the cigarette .

"But sir he said he was alive and his body didn't burnt fully"


"Sir i think yoongi lied to everyone if not then why would he leave the country the same day little master died everyone tried so hard to make him stay but he said he have to go no matter wha and he did leave the country the same day " jungkook's eyes lit up with hope at jungmin's statement

Jungkook dials someone's number on his phone and make a call .
" Hello I'm sending you something and i want every single detail about their flight and find out if there was any patient with them that day to whom they shift to another country"  saying this he cut the call .

" Sir Jimin can also tell us if little master is alive or n-" he was cut off by jungkook.

" There's no chance of if my tae is alive i knew he was alive he can never leave me "  jungkook said smiling and like always the reason of his smile was taehyung only .


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22 ⏰

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