- related info
- favourite character (if I have one)n/i - no info
Percy Jackson
- daughter of Hypnos (god of sleep), legacy of Hades
- Octavian (yeah sue me)Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts
- Ravenclaw
- wand: chestnut, dragon heartstring core, 34 cm (idk how many inches)
- patronus: chow dog (but I want an occamy)
- Grindelwald (Fantastic Beasts)
- Barty Crouch Jr (Harry Potter)Nevermoor books
- n/i
- Ezra Squall (apparently everyone hates him)Dune
- n/i
- Paul AtreidesHow To Train Your Dragon
- dragon: Hobblegrunt
- Grimmel the Grisly---------------
Yeah I'm out of ideas