44 • Rougir

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Rougir (verb) to blush

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Rougir (verb) to blush

I lowered Claire down until her back was resting against a mattress and her head was cradled by a pillow.

She gazed up at me with so much adoration and trust that the weight of this moment sank deep into me. This might be her first time with a man, but she wasn't a meek girl waiting to be deflowered on her wedding night, unsure of what was going to happen.

She knew.

Even though my body was demanding that I take her hard and deep, devouring her until I was completely spent and my cum dripped out of her. Slicking her thighs.

Staring down at her as I imagined fucking her just like that, hard and fast and reckless, but didn't share the thought through our connection.

I wouldn't put that idea in her head.

I knew it was purely my instincts that were driving me to make an heir, but that couldn't happen. I couldn't burden her with the pain of carrying a vampire child.

Her fear of blood would make it impossible. Especially after the babe was born.

No, I had to be careful. I had to prioritize her wellbeing. She was mine to protect.

This was all we could have. Each other. And it was more than I could ever ask for.

My moonflower.

So beautiful. So alive.

Distracted, I traced the sharp edge of her cheekbone with my finger until I reached the curve of her lips. I coaxed them open, parting her lips ever so slightly until they pursed around me.

All warm and wet.

Sliding it deeper, my finger trailed over her tongue before I pulled it out.

Watching her take me, even in this small way, had me thickening for her until I was painfully hard.

"Aren't you going to make love to me?" Claire asked, looping a finger through my chain and dragging me an inch closer.

Holding my bloodstone in the palm of her hand like she held my heart.

I gazed down at her with the same adoration and made a pledge to make this moment one she'd never forget.

"No, I'm not going to make love to you," I said, parting her lips and sliding my finger in and out again. "I'm going to fuck you like you were made for me. Because you were, Claire. You were made for me, just like I was made for you."

I pulled my finger out of her mouth and kissed her hard, swallowing whatever she wanted to say, then broke off the kiss just as quickly, leaving her breathless.

"Don't stop," she gasped, reaching for me.

I kissed the top of her knuckles, then said, "Close your eyes."

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