they say she was wailing

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User: wyseol . 3 hours ago
Replying to: CyderSP

           | woah woah woah wait, what? wtf do you mean he's dead? since when?

User: xxluvluv . 3 hours ago
Replying to: CyderSP

           | Did he die while she was missing?

User: lurkinglurker . 3 hours ago
Replying to: CyderSP

           | ohhhh shhhiiittttt

User: CyderSP . 3 hours ago
Replying to: wyseol

           | It happened a while ago, before she went missing. She got real depressed because of it.

User: hushhush . 3 hours ago
Replying to: CyderSP

           | dyou think she ran away then? bcz of her grief?

User: xxluvluv . 3 hours ago
Replying to: CyderSP

           | What happened?

User: CyderSP . 2 hours ago
Replying to: hushhush

           | Unlikely. She's a grown adult, not a child running from home.

User: CyderSP . 2 hours ago
Replying to: xxluvluv

           | Can't remember. It was like a whole separate case, had something to do with the girl in the clip too.

User: wyseol . 2 hours ago
Replying to: CyderSP

           | that's fckin wild bro

User: lurkinglurker . 2 hours ago
Replying to: wyseol

           | literally

User: eisthegreatest . 2 hours ago
Replying to: CyderSP

           | dude, I rlly think u should stop this, whatever happened to her is none of your business, u don't wanna get caught up in shit u can't control

User: bfurbiaf . 2 hours ago
Replying to: eisthegreatest

           | hard agree

User: CyderSP . 2 hours ago
Replying to: eisthegreatest

           | I'm in too deep now. I have to see it through.

User: eisthegreatest . 2 hours ago
Replying to: CyderSP

           | no u don't. u literally don't

User: wyseol . 5 minutes ago
Replying to: eisthegreatest

           | annnd he's gone again

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