25. Mei Zhao

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In the wreckage of the battle, Percy alongside his friends had managed to successfully neutralize the threat of the mutated Neo Evolvers.

Percy was able to preserve all of his energy and avoid transforming into the Death Berserker for the moment. Serenity and Rex were still able to continue fighting although it seemed as if Percy had done most of the heavy work so that his friends wouldn't drain themselves out.

"Holy shit.....I think we may actually win this" Rex had proclaimed, feeling confident about this.

"Don't celebrate just yet, it's not over until it is" Percy said.

"And how about you? You didn't use up all your energy, did you?"

"I'm fine, I still have enough in me to keep fighting"

Serenity delivered a swift kick to a Neo Evolver mutant to which Percy would kill it by decapitation.

She caught up with the two of them.

"Any word on the others?"

Percy shook his head.

"No. We'll-"

Percy was interrupted by an alert on his signal watch.

"Percy, you there?" It was Zack.

"Zack? What's the situation?"

"I managed to teleport all civillians to safety, I took them not far from North Xianshui, they're safe"

Percy nodded.

"Good work, Zack"

"And I'm with Logan and your uncle right now, they ran into some kind of trouble, Max exhausted himself while fighting a wave of Neo Evolvers, he's fine"

"Damn it......and the others?"

"It took some time but we were able to neutralize all of them here, I'm teleporting everyone back to the ship"

"Good. You gotta be careful here, Zack, you've been teleporting people for a while now, I suspect you'll reach your limit soon here"

"Maybe so but I gotta keep moving and teleporting for as much as I can, don't worry about me. Your uncle and I have been doing this long before you kids were even born, we'll be okay"

"I sure as hell hope so, keep me updated"

"Copy that"

The call ended.

Rex asked if they should go and try to help out Zack but Percy said no, he had confidence in Zack.

Percy looked around and saw that there were no more incoming waves of monsters, he had seemingly killed them all but then he saw Blake, Jamie and Austin appear.

They joined up with them, Austin was relieved to see the trio, he informed Percy that they cleared their area of any mutated Neo Evolvers.

Serenity ran over and hugged her father although he assured her that he was okay.

But it didn't take long for Percy to notice that Mei wasn't with them, a concerned look arose in Serenity and Rex's faces, fearing the worst had happened.

That Mei had been killed by the mutants.

Blake shook his head, explaining that Mei had went in search for a little girl who had gone missing, her mother begged them to find her and Mei went without hesitation.

Percy asked them where the exact location was, Austin pointed up towards the Xianshui mountains.

"The Xianshui mountains"

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