A Hero and A Friend

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Izuku POV

I wasn't sure what I wanted him to say, but it wasn't that. He is supposed to be a hero; a hero shouldn't say that to anyone, not even their worst enemy. I looked at my phone. 'Its mom; I should call her.' "Izuku! Are you okay? I came home, and you weren't there." Her voice was frantic. "Izuku, baby?" "Yeah, sorry, mom, I took the long way home; you don't have to worry." "That's good, but you need to text me. I don't want anything to happen to you." "Yes, mom, I'll be home soon. Sorry again. " "I love you, baby. I'll see you then." The call ended.

3rd Person POV

As Midoriya walked, his eyes facing the ground, he bumped into someone. "Damn it, sorry," he said, looking up. The man in front of him wore a black shirt and black cargo pants, his hair in a messy bun. "Hey kid, are you hurt?" the man asked. "You, holy sh*t, you're Eraser Head!" "Oh, you know who I am? Even out of uniform, huh?" The man seemed like he was talking to himself rather than Midoriya. "Yeah, I know who you are."

Aizawa POV

The kid in front of me looked like a bush; his hair was messy, and it looked like he went dumpster diving. He talks a lot. "Hey kid, it's getting late; you should get home." I also wanted to go home, but I felt weird just leaving him out here. I felt like if I left, something would happen. "Right, yes, sorry to keep you. I should be on my way then." The kid started to walk away. Damn me and my kind self. "Hey, hang on; I'll walk you home. You look unstable." "Unstable? Sorry, Eraser Head, I don't think you should say that to someone." The kid is teaching me about manners at a time like this. "Yeah, right, sorry, what's your name?" "Izuku Midoriya, nice to meet you. I should call you something else other than Eraser Head, right? Do you have a name?" "Aizawa," I replied. Yeah, something was wrong with me. Why did I answer him so quickly? As we walked side by side, him leading the way to his house, we came across a crowded, villain attack: "Hey kid, stay here. I have to go help. I'll be back." I hated doing work on my day off, but something didn't seem right. Why weren't any pros helping?

Izuku POV

I shuffled through the crowd, trying to get a slight look at the fight that was perusing. It was the villain that attacked me earlier. I tried looking closer to see more, but in the middle of it all, Bakugo was stuck inside. I wanted to smile at his misery; tears were running down his face, and it made me kind of happy. Aizawa was fully on site; he was so cool. He activated his quirk and began hand-to-hand combat with the man with the sludge-like quirk. In the end, Bakugo was saved. Aizawa is truly amazing. After speaking with the medics and clean-up crew, Aizawa walked up to me. "Hey, Midoriya, are you ready to go?" "Uh, yeah." We began to walk to my home in comfortable silence. He made me feel like I didn't need to try. 'Should I ask him to help me? Would he even help me?' I was conflicted; he didn't seem like All Might; he seemed dear. "I can hear you; what do you want to know?" His voice was calming and inviting. "Oh, sorry for mumbling, but can someone without a quirk become a hero?" Why did I ask when I knew the answer? "In all honesty, they can; it's going to be hard, but it's not impossible." "What! Are you serious?" "Were you expecting another answer? It's rude to look down on the weak, you know." "No, no, no It's not like that, I promise. I... am also quirkless." Why would I tell him that? I just keep asking for trouble. "Oh, I see, I get it now, so the way your uniform is messed up from bullying, yeah." I looked down at myself. I forgot about how 'handsome' I looked. "Yeah, you guessed it." "Do you wish to be a hero?" Why is he asking that now? Is it that obvious? "Yeah, but I don't have any power; if anything, it would be better if I became an office worker." "Kid, you are growing on me; let me train you, even if you don't want to become a hero." He's just playing with me now; he does not want to help me. "I can tell from your face that I'm not trying to trick you; I get where you are coming from." "So you promise to help me, right, not toy with me?" "No playing." "And you won't be upset if I decide that I don't want to be a hero?" "It's your life, after all." 

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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