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Over the next few days, the team works on getting all of the parts they need for the car before setting all the parts out. Addison took a break to go get them all something to eat from the store and to see how Mia is doing.

Brian, Dom, Jesse, and Leon work for a little while longer before taking a break from working on the car. Dom and Brian sit on the hood while Jesse sits on the trunk with Leon sitting on the ground.

"I was like five years old while I'm sitting on my father's lap. He's got me propped up and both my hands are on the steering wheel," Dom explains as he mimics a steering wheel. "And he kept going faster and faster. I remember hearing him laughing. The faster we went, the happier he was."

"How old were you again?" Jesse asks as he looks over at him.

"Five," Dom answers him.

"My mom taught me how to drive," Leon says as he looks up at them.

"Your mom?" Dom asks him impressed.

"Yeah, man. It was right before she left though," Leon explains as he looks down. "You know, hate her for that but can't hate her completely. You know?"

"First time I drove," Brian says as he sets his drink to the side. "Was my learners permit. We were on the 40 freeway, my mother, my sister, and I. The car in front of me locks up its brakes." Brian makes the sound effects of brakes locking up. "Then boom, someone blew into me from behind. Five car pile-up. First time I drove." Brian shakes his head at the memory. "Broke my sister's arm."

"Before my dad went away," Jesse says as he adds his story. "He bought me this '71 Malibu classic. First day I got my license. It was the greatest day. It's also the first day that I had sex." Jesse raises his beer while they all laugh. "I shit you not."

"Something about learning how to drive. You're either a driver or you're not a driver. So, up until the point you start driving is one lifetime and then after you start driving is another lifetime," Dom explains with a smile as the guy's nod in agreement.

"So, Jesse. When are you going to ask Addi out?" Leon asks as he looks over at his friend, who looks back with eyes as wide as saucers. Jesse starts stuttering as he tries to find an answer.

"Yeah, Jesse. That girl is waiting on you to make a move," Dom adds with a smile because he has seen the looks exchanged between the two.

"Food is here!" Addison calls out as she walks out to where the guys are. Addison takes notice of Jesse's flushed face. "You good, Jess?"

"Yeah," Jesse manages to get out with a nod of his head.

"Alright, let's see if I can get this right," Addison says as she digs into the bag of sandwiches that Mia prepared. "Ham and turkey for Dom. Disgusting tuna for Brian. Ham for Leon." Addison passes the sandwiches out as the guys nod their heads. "And turkey for me and Jess."

"You're getting the hang of it," Dom jokes with an impressed nod.

"I clearly was not meant for the food industry," Addison agrees as she holds her hands up in surrender before she sits beside Jesse on the trunk.

"So, Addi, what was it like the first time you drove?" Leon asks as he wonders how she got into liking cars.

"First time I drove," Addison repeats as she takes a moment to think back on it. "I was scared shitless. My mom had waited so that my brother and I could get our permits together. Us being a year apart. And the month before, my brother was driving when he wrecked which resulted in my arm breaking."

Dom is the only one that notices the similarities between Brian's and Addison's stories, while Jesse and Leon are intrigued by Addison's story.

"So, my brother, knowing that I was scared," Addison continues her story. "Took me to a parking lot and set up cones for me to drive through." Addison shakes her head with a smile. "I started at the speed of a snail, continuously hitting the break. We were there for like four hours. We left with me being able to go through the course in reverse at 80+ mph. I have had the need for speed ever since."

"Your brother sounds like a cool guy," Jesse says as Addison smiles.

"Yeah, he was. I haven't seen him since he graduated and left," Addison lies with a frown since she hated to lie to them.

"I'm sure you'll see him again someday," Brian suggests with a reassuring smile while Jesse and Leon nod in agreement. No one noticing how Dom is watching Brian and Addison with a suspicious expression.

"I'm going to get out of here. Go get a nap in before my shift," Addison explains as she gets off of the trunk. "I'll see you all in the morning." They each tell her bye as she leaves the garage.

"Hey, Jess. What are you doing up so early?" Brian asks the next morning as he walks around the side of the garage where Jesse's camper is.

"Morning. How you doing?" Jesse says from where he is squatted in front of the car as he works on it. "Dude, I've been up all-night figuring this shit out." Though it was true that he had been working on the car, he omitted the part where had been listening to the police scanner for any sign of Addison being in trouble. "There's a disc in the trailer. I'll be right back. You hang tight. I'm gonna take a piss."

Brian nods in understanding as Jesse takes off towards his camper.

"I thought I heard voices," Addison says as she walks over to Brian, still in uniform with a duffle bag over her shoulder.

"Yeah, seems like it's just me and Jesse here," Brian responds as Jesse comes back out of his camper with a disk in hand.

"Hey, Jess," Addison says with a smile which causes Jesse to smile.

"Tell me what you think about this," Jesse says as he puts a disc into the computer in the garage. "Koni adjustables. Gonna save us about 2 pounds. And they're gonna give us better traction for the hole shot." Brian nods his head as he likes what he sees. "All right, this is your basic layout of the car. And that's pretty much what it could look like when it's finished. Red, green."

"You should be going to MIT or something," Brian tells Jesse as he looks at what he had accomplished overnight, impressed.

"Yeah, right. No, I got that... What's it called? That attention disorder..." Jesse starts to explain as he shakes his head.

"ADD?" Brian suggests with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, that shit. Yeah. You know, I was good in algebra and like math and shit. Everything else I failed. Dropped out of school. I don't know. It's just something about engines that calms me down, you know," Jesse explains as he looks over at Brian and Addison.

"I understand because that's how I feel about racing," Addison says with a understanding smile.

"We better get going," Jesse says as he checks the time before starting to shut the computer down.

"Going where?" Brian asks confused as Addison realizes what day it is.

"To Dom's," Jesse answers as if it were obvious.

"You get to go to your first Toretto Sunday Barbecue," Addison says with a smirk. "I'm going to head home and change. I will see you boys there."

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