Our Finish Line

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Letting you go is my final act of love for you
For even though you're far away
My heart will still feel the same way
It's like admiring the moon in the night sky
Cherishing it from a distance
Even knowing I can never reach it

Just your existence will always be enough for me
For my love surpasses the need to talk to you
And exceeds the urge to be with you
As our love isn't tied to us being together
It still thrives even if we're worlds apart
Since what we had was true and genuine
And it will always endure, never forgotten

Falling in love with you was a decision I'll never regret
You're the best thing that happened to me, a memory I'll never forget
The pain we experienced may leave us with scars
But they won't always remain as ugly scars
They'll serve as reminders of our shared past
A beautiful chapter that will forever last
Even if you didn't reach the last page of my book
That folded corner marks where my favorite part took

Even though we've already reached our finish line
May our lives, though apart, continue to shine

Because hey, if we started with love
Why not end it the same way too?

Our Finish LineWhere stories live. Discover now