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( im back here again for chapter 3, this chapter will be short as my  battery percentage is %23, 😶 yeah thats right)

Playlist for u <3

-Too sad to dance by jungkook bts.
-Only by lee hi
-Just a little bit by enhypen.


- Kill bill by SZA.

Lets start!!

No ones pov.

    Niki saw sunoo glaring at sunghoon, he got confused, "Uhh, i should leave you now, i-i need to tutor Sunoo hyung so" Niki excuses himself, "Oh, uhh its nothing thank you" sunghoon quickly answered him while smiling, niki smiles back then get back to their table, Sunoo also follow him still holding a side eye to sunghoon, "what happen?" Niki asked sunoo, sunoo just shook his head as a no.

    "Why are you asking me? Its nothing." Sunoo answered in a cold tone which kind of surprised niki, "Well if you need help, im here okay?" Niki said in a sweet tone, sunoo take a deep breathe trying to control himself from jealousy.

    "Let's just study" sunoo said, niki nodded then they start to study.

After studying.
They finally went home.

    Its already been 8:04pm when they finish studying, they both are very tired and hungry so they both decided to go to late night convenience store.

    "Its kinda cold in here, lets get something warm to eat" niki said, sunoo just nodded, then they both entered the store, they eat ramen and sausages, after they finish their food, they paid for the food then leave the store.

    "Our parents must have been worried about us" sunoo said, "No they won't, i already told them i will be tutoring you so, they will understand it" niki stated.

    The air was filled with silence, both of them doesn't spoke out at all, until they arrived home.

    "Were home!" Niki said as they entered the house, "So how the study going?" Niki's mom quickly ask them, "I think maybe good yeah!" Niki said laying down on the couch tired, "Then thats good! If you guys tired rest for a while, i heard tomorrow is holiday so you guys can stay up late if you want, i will get to bed now, goodnight!" Niki mom said as he walk towards her bedroom, "Goodnight mom" "Goodnight auntie".

    (Omg guys my battery is only %18 i need to be quick as hell)

    "Tomorrow is holiday so lets go shopping!" Sunoo said, "Why go shopping with me?" Niki said annoyed, "Cause i still don't have friends to hang out with" Sunoo acting cute and all.

    "I dont like this behaviour of yours *sigh* okay!" Niki said rolling his eyes, "really??!! Thank you!" Sunoo said trying to hug niki but niki quickly go away making disgusted face.

   Niki went upstairs "i will go to sleep" "hey wait for me riki" sunoo try to catch niki, "How many times do i need to tell you not to call me Riki!??" Niki said enter his room, "Idk you count it" sunoo said.

   "Whats happening with you? You're acting childish and all!" Niki asked in confusion, "Idk, my mood changes quickly depends in the situation" sunoo said smiling.

    "Wear your pajamas you can go to sleep, i will go to my secret garden" Niki stated, "Can i go too? Please?" Sunoo quickly said making a puppy eyes, "again? Okay only this time" Niki said, they both headed to the secret garden.

    There's a moonlight, shining beautiful, they both look up to the sky, sunoo look at niki, he was surprised of how niki look so beautiful and ethereal, but he also sometimes has many questions in his mind, he decided to not tell anyone, The question is mostly that, Is he just teases his cousin or already fall for him? He pray every night so that he can get an answer from someone or something, but nothing happens.

    But he sometimes says to himself that he is straight, he can't fell in love with a boy whom is also his cousin, its illegal, maybe not to everyone but in his heart it is, but the thing is that, from the first time he saw niki, he just fell in love with him without even realizing.

    If he's fall in love with niki, then how will he going to tell him? You can't keep your love for someone forever, you need to tell them whether they like you or not, you just need to tell them.

   He quickly came back to his senses and feel the cold breeze, he get a deep breathe then lay down on the grass.

   Niki is also lay down besides him, "The moon is lovely tonight isn't?" Sunoo suddenly said, "Yeah, it really is, i hope one day i could fine my soulmate, and dance with her under the bright moonlight" niki said.

    "What if your soulmate is a boy?" Sunoo said in a calm tone, niki looks at sunoo in confusion "Wdym by that?" Niki asked as he look back at the moonlight, "well, a girl think that his soulmate is a boy but its actually a girl, it means like that" sunoo said, "*sigh* i hope i could just met that person, You're my cousin so can i tell you something and can you keep it a secret for me cause you're the first person i will tell this to?" Niki suddenly asked sunoo.

    "Of course, What's that?" Sunoo was excited till niki tell him his deepest secret, "I......fell in love with......Sunghoon."


Thank you for reading don't forget to vote and comment, this chapter is kinda boring.

I will try to update tomorrow!!

- 951 words!

Bye ginies.

My battery is only %10 rn, Help!

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