part 8

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Manik 's pov
After completing my meetings I took a shower in my room inside the cabin which is secret from everyone otherwise mishkat will always found sleeping here
I took sometime for getting ready ofcourse Today is the first time I am taking my fiancee so I need to look good he talks with himself while combing his hairs standing infront of mirror suddenly he realise why he is taking efforts to get ready afterall she is my fiancee for six months I have marry Soha
Keeping his thoughts aside he moves towards his car to drive towards Nandini's hospital

Scene shift to manik reaching in hospital 's parking where nandini is standing
After reaching in parking I am blown out seeing nandini 's beauty I mean how beautiful she is looking I mean I am smitten by her I don't know what I am saying hey waheguru bachale mujhe iske chakkar mein pagal hone se
Here manik was lost in Nandini's land there nandini was trying to open the car door but it was locked she move towards manik 's side and knock the window hearing the knock manik come out from is dreamland or Nandini's land he lowered the glass looking at her

Nandini.. open the lock

Manik.. hah haa yeah ofcourse
And opens the lock

Nandini gets sitted in the passenger sit tieing the seat belt manik after that starts the car they both were sitting silently manik was driving the car where as nandini was looking outside it was comfortable both of them alas their silence was disturbed by a phone call on nandini 's phone

Nandini smiled seeing the caller it was noticed by manik nandini looks towards manik asking may I for receiving the call
Manik.. ofcourse
Nandini smiling picks up the call

(Guys  the conversation is in Marathi language why it will be revealed later also pls bear the mistake I will translate it because I am really weak in Marathi )

Caller.. hello nandini khute aahe tu.   (Nandini where are you)

Nandini.. Kay zala aai. (What happen mom)

Aai.. tu udya yeti aahe na. (You are coming tomorrow right)

Nandini.. ho aai me hero Ani bestie yet aahe udya sakari 5 am (Yes mom I hero and bestie are coming tomorrow's early morning flight ) Ani tu dinner kela ka. (Ok did you have your dinner?)

Nandini.. naahi me thodi ver madhe karti ( no I am eating after sometime time)

Aai.. bar pan tu dinner kar nahi tar me tujhe hero la complain karnar. (Ok but have your dinner otherwise I will complain to your hero)

Nandini.. nahi aai hero la complain naka Karu pls  acha aata me phone rakhte bye. (No pls don't complain to hero ok now I am cutting the call bye )

Aai .. ho bye.  ( yeah bye)

All this while manik was listening to her talks and was thinking that she was talking to Mrs Murthy but was jealous on mention of nandini 's hero

After hanging the call nandini look towards manik but he was concentrated in driving little she knew that he was concentrated on her talks
Mean while they reached the restaurant where they will meet fab 4

Signing off from this chapter I know I am again later but I can't help so I decided that I will update early but will not tell you the exact time
600 words

Pls suggest me some scene of nandini with fab 4 especially Aliya how she should behave with nandini rude or neutral
I am waiting for your response so that I can start working on next chapter
Pls vote comment and pls follow me
Bye and last not the least happy mother's day to all the mothers

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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