Boom's Round Starts

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GameMaster: Ok let's get the round going

Trickee: What do we do?

GameMaster: Oh no you're not all going at the same time. One at a time. Boom you're first

Boom: But I thought that we were all gonna do this together

GameMaster: No you're not. You have to do it on your own for my own reasons

Boom: I'm not doing it I don't want to be forced to it for your own reasons

GameMaster: Fine. Bring me Floyd

Boom: What?

Branch: Leave my brother alone! 😡

Then the troll brought Floyd in

Floyd: Let me go!

GameMaster: If you want him to be safe then play the game

Then he shocks Floyd

Floyd: Ow!

Boom: Floyd! 😨

Floyd: Boom

Then the GameMaster hands him to another troll

GameMaster: Well play this game and he'll be safe

Floyd: Don't do it Boom

Then the troll covered Floyd's mouth with his hand

Troll: Shut it troll!

Floyd: Mmm! Mmm!

Boom: Floyd! 😨

GameMaster: Well you know what to do

Then the screen opened a door and Boom not wanting Floyd to get hurt went through it

Branch: I hope he's okay

GameMaster: You'll be able to see what he's doing

Then the screen turned on and Boom's round started

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