Chapter 11

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T/W: Mentions death and a child seeing a spirit.


Lex insists that things won't be different. But I don't know if I believe her. I deleted Cam's number and managed to block it. I won't be seeing or talking with her again.

Lex also insists that we still take our family vacation. We're thinking about going to Disney World. We think Ari might enjoy seeing all the Disney characters.

This afternoon, Lex, Ari and I are visiting Tim's grave as a family and tell Ari about her Uncle Tim. Lex thinks it's a good idea to begin telling Ari about her late uncle.

I'm not so sure. But I suppose she'll learn about him soon enough.

I climb out of the car, collecting the flowers that we brought, while Lex gets Ari out of her seat. I lock the car and Lex holds Ari's hand as we slowly walk through the cemetery to Tim's grave.

We all stop and I carefully place the flowers down beside Tim's headstone. I glance over at Lex, who looks a little teary-eyed. Ari points at the headstone and I kneel down beside her, putting my arm around her.

"That's your uncle Tim," I murmur.

"Why?" Ari asks.

"He..died," I whisper. "He was Daddy's big brother." Lex is crying softly now. I straighten up, moving to her. Lex presses close to me, reaching for my beard, rubbing lightly. I hug her.

"I loved him so much," she whispers.

"I know. So did I." Ari is touching the headstone very carefully. She suddenly looks up, as if somebody is standing there.

"Hi!" Both Lex and I freeze. Ari giggles, pointing. "See?" She says to us. "See? There!"

Lex let's loose with a fresh batch of tears. "He's here," she manages to say. "Speed came to visit his beautiful niece."

"Yes," I whisper. "He did."


I texted Knox, asking when the next time he was available for a walk. He says he can now, for a bit.

'Meet u halfway?'



I get Aria ready and off we go. We see Knox and Otto down the block. Aria starts shrieking as they get closer. We turn around and head across the intersection.

"How've you been?" Knox asks.

"Not bad," I reply. "Steve and I are slowly working through stuff."

"Good to know."

"I never properly thanked you," I murmur.

"I didn't do much." Knox shrugs. "I just reminded you of what was important."

"That was huge," I insist. "And you're right. I would have regretted it for the rest of my life."

"No problem." Knox pauses. "I know how it feels to have your marriage fall apart and I wouldn't wish that on anyone."

"Was it because of what happened to you?" I ask.

"You mean, my accident?" Knox asks.



"I'm so sorry you had to have faced something like that, alone," I murmur.

"I wasn't entirely alone," Knox says. "I had a few friends who stood by me." He clears his throat. "It still would have been nice to have my..wife beside me, too."

"I'm sure." Now I pause. "You were right, too, about..why I wanted..that. And I apologize."

"No worries," Knox says. "As long as we can be friends for the right reasons." He gives me a big smile and I laugh.

"I think it'd be better if we were friends as Knox and Lex," I say. "Not..Speed and Lex." Knox nods.

"Definitely." When Knox and I part ways after our walk, I give him a hug.

"You're awesome," I tell him. Knox hugs me back.

"Thanks, Lex. So are you."


We're on our way to Disney World. Ari is pretty excited and Lex is in a fantastic mood. I smile, watching as she sings along to the Disney songs CD we have playing in the car.

Ari is trying sing, too, and clapping her hands. I laugh. It's refreshing having this instead of all the drama and shit. Lex looks at me, winking. I laugh again.

"This is gonna be awesome," Lex tells me. I take her hand.

"Yes, baby," I agree. "It will."


We're enjoying ourselves, just relaxing in hotel. Tomorrow we'll go to Disney World and I know we'll have a wonderful time.

Ari has fallen asleep and Steve and I are cuddled together on the bed.

"I never thought I'd be grateful to Knox Marshall," Steve comments.

"He's a pretty smart guy," I say, clinging to Steve's hand.

"It sure sounds like it," Steve agrees.

"You know, I'm happy he stopped me," I murmur. "I don't think I would have ever forgiven myself."

"I'm glad he stopped you, too," Steve says, holding me close.

"I've come to terms with the fact that Knox..isn't..Speed. And I'm okay with that."

"I'm glad, baby," Steve murmurs. "I'm so glad."


Our family vacation turns out to be a major success. Ari throughly enjoys herself. Lex and I have a great time as well. I even manage to put the shit that happened, behind me.

What I told Lex is true. I'm forever grateful to Knox Marshall. He saved my marriage. I guess I had him all wrong. He really is a pretty smart guy. Rather he picked up that wisdom from my brother or just living life, he certainly knew how to handle the situation. And all I can say is: Thank God.

A month after we return from our family vacation, Lex has some exciting news.

"I'm pregnant!" She announces. I let out a whoop of joy, grabbing Lex up in a big bear hug. She's laughing and crying.

"Isn't this incredible news?" Lex whispers against me. I nod.

"Incredible," I repeat.

"I hope it's a boy this time," Lex says, pulling away to look at me. I give her a kiss.

"I have a good feeling it will be."

A/N: And there you have it. Things got a little crazy huh? And..Lex is pregnant again! Woo! Guess we'll see what happens next! Thanks for reading!❤️

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