Solace (KentaKim)

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"But you'll never be alone
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I'm right here"
- Dusk till Dwan
ZAYN and Sia


He was sitting alone, shaking, shaking worse than a leaf in the storm. Staring at his hands which were now covered in blood while I stared at his motion. Heavily breathing as I noticed the rapid movement of his chest. Tears were standing at the end of his eyes, but he didn't cry. Sat shaking staring the dead body of Tony, who was killed by his own son.

Way had been injured by Tony and his men so everyone had been gathered around him, trying to keep him alive or at least concious. But nobody even spared a glance at the one who was fighting himself, blaming himself for all the damage that had been done.

I was kidnapped by Tony and I should hate Kenta for literally killing me alive and torturing me. But love can bloom anywhere.
When I first met Kenta, I knew it was love at first sight but then I stared hating him for being Tony's dog without even knowing the full truth. I hate myself for that. But now when I see his sad face, I know I should protect him and take care of him. Save him from the dangers of this cruel world.

I walk towards the alpha and kneel beside him, hearing him muttering something under his breath. I couldn't guess but I know for a fact he was busy repenting on his mistakes and was very guilty.

"Kenta? Can you hear me? Kenta it's all right now. You are okay,we all are okay"

I try to touch his hand when he yank it away with force.

"LEAVE ME ALONE! LEAVE me alone" he shouted but I knew he wished the opposite.

Then those tearful eyes stared directly at me, filled with so many emotions I couldn't summarize.

My own eyes were staring to tearup seeing the boy in front of me with so many sorrow and sadness.

Suddenly I started to cry and I noticed his face changed as he stared questioning me.

"Kenta *sob* I know you hate me and you are probably hating yourself and*sob* swimming in a pool of guilt but please listen to me once. I do not mean any harm to you hell anyone doesn't mean any harm to you" I started expressing my feelings as was studying my actions.

"They all hate me now that I have become a murder *chuckle* wasnt I a murderer before" he started talking.

"Listen to me Kenta, no one hates you instead they are grateful to you for killing a monster" I said while glancing at Tony's dead body.

Just as I was having this conversation,the medics arrived and took Way's unconscious body and Tony's dead body away in ambulances.
All of the remaining pack followed them, leaving me and a broken Kenta together.


There he was, lying on the floor bleeding to death as his right man, his own son stabbed him.
I feel on the ground as I could stand on my shaking legs. My hands shaking, my beating faster. In short I was a total mess.

I stared at my hand which was covered with Tony's blood. I can't be trusted with anyone. I dirty everything I touch, hurt the ones I respected.
Tony was never the type of father who would love you. He was one of the abusive types. He would bet me whenever he was upset, or when I don't complete the work he gave me. My whole back was covered with scars but that didn't mean I will stop loving him.

Then suddenly it hit me that I had broken the trust, my father gave me,the only man I obeyed. He was the reason of my survival and I had just killed him. I should never be forgotten I should just die. I should just rot to hell. I can't live without my father. I cant-

Suddenly a pair of hands tested on my shaky hands and now they were covered with blood from my hands, dirtying them, I yanked them as I don't wasnt anyone of my enemies to see my pitiful and sadness.

I chocked back the tears and when I saw who it was, Kim, the one who was captured by Tony and tortured by me, What is he doing here?

Then he started sobbing and I couldn't understand one thing.

".....they are grateful to you killing a monster." Grateful? That's the word I wanted to hear from my father but not from the one who I despised the most.

"Kenta, I know you are blaming youself for all this but trust me this is not your fault and you saved us. If you didn't come at time to stab To-"

"STOP! STOP! you should not be grateful, you should hate me. ARE YOU LISTENING HATE ME" his face didn't change a thing instead he pulled me into an embrace.

I was stunned but as I regained my consciousness, I started to push him but his arms stood strong around me.

"Leave me! Leave me!"

" I am not going to leave you Kenta. I know this has nothing to do with you. I know Tony abused you and beat you. I know that your whole back is filled with scars and bruises. I know how much of a monster Tony was to abuse his own son and make him do all these things. But trust me Kenta, now things will go easy. You need to let it all out Kenta. I am always there for you. Always. Please don't hesitate to lean on someone when things get too hard for you. Just keep in mind that I am here to catch you when you fall. I will lend you my shoulder when you cry. Don't always bore things on your shoulder Kenta, *sob* always there for you"

His words hit me and tears started to fall from my eyes. I was crying. The last time I cried was when Pete left me.
But now in Kim's warm embrace, and his sweet scent, I was feeling comfortable.

I hugged him like my life depended on it and started crying, letting it all out. Tony's abuse, Tony's death, everything made me cry that I was crying on the one whom I had tortured weeks ago.

"You are okay Kenta, just let it all out, I am there for you" ahe said while tightening the hug and patting my back for comfort. I could feel he was crying too.

I don't know how much time had passed after I let go of his hug and stared at his face for some guilt or regret. I found none.

"Let's step out of here, the police will be arriving soon" He said and I realised I didn't have any home left

" I don't have anywhere to go"

"Well, you can stay with me, in my apartment. A room is free for you to use it"

I thought about living with Kim in his apartment and to be honest it seemed right now and I can leave after 2-3 days after I get my shit right.
To be honest Kim wasn't a bad looking one. I had seen him once clearly but I know he was a stubborn and kind hearted one with good features. He was kinda attractive too.


"Okay, Ken?"

"What did you say?" I was shocked at the name he called me. It was the one Pete used to call me and I loved it when people used to call me that.

"Ken?" He clarified
"If you don't like it. I'm sorry. I just thought it was a good nickname"

"No! I don't have any problem whatsoever"

"Okay then, Ken" He said with a big smile.

Words- 1321

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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