Chapter: 17

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Sivaangi's mind raced with a mix of pain and concern for Monika. Despite the throbbing ache in her foot and the sharp sting in her elbow, her primary focus was ensuring that Monika was unharmed. With shaky hands, she reached out to gently touch Monika's cheek, relieved to find no sign of injury on her little cousin's face.

"Are you okay, kilometer?" Sivaangi asked, her voice strained with pain but filled with genuine concern. Monika nodded, her eyes wide with worry for Sivaangi. 

"She's fine, Sivu. Don't worry about her, let's get you checked." said Priya as she brushed the dust off Sivaangi's clothes and checked her for any signs of injury, murmuring words of comfort.

Meanwhile, Ashwin gently helped Sivaangi to her feet, his worry evident in his furrowed brow. "Are you alright?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.

Sivaangi winced as she tried to put weight on her injured foot, but she nodded nonetheless, attempting to reassure him. "yes yes don't worry" she replied through gritted teeth. "Just a sprain, I hope."

Arjun and Priya hovered nearby, offering their support as Ashwin guided Sivaangi to a nearby bench. Sivaangi lowered herself gingerly onto the hard surface, her breath still coming in short gasps from the shock of the fall. She could feel the throbbing pain in her foot intensifying with each passing moment, but she tried to push it to the back of her mind, focusing instead on the concern of her cousins. 

Vanathi hurried towards them, concern etched on her face, Sivaangi managed a weak smile of gratitude. As Ashwin knelt beside her once more, his hands gentle as he examined her hands and legs, Sivaangi winced, unable to suppress a cry of pain when his palm touched her ankle and elbow.

The throbbing ache in her hip intensified, but she bit her lip, determined not to show any weakness. Vanathi's repeated inquiries about any additional pain made Sivaangi realize the extent of her injuries. With a sigh, she reluctantly admitted, 

"My hip hurts too, aththa. But it's manageable."

"she has sprained her ankle" Ashwin muttered worried.

With careful hands, Vanathi cleaned the bruises on Sivaangi's palms and forearms, the cool water providing some relief from the pain. Meanwhile, Arjun arrived with the first aid kit, his expression a mixture of concern and determination.

Ashwin skillfully treated Sivaangi's wounds, his touch gentle yet precise as he applied antiseptic and bandaged her injuries. Sivaangi was overwhelmed to see concern and care in his eyes for her, it made her heart flutter. She kept gazing at his eyes feeling loved. 

With Arjun's assistance, they elevated her injured foot on a nearby chair, propping it up with pillows to reduce the swelling and alleviate some of the discomfort. 

Lakshmikanth and Rakesh arrived with the call of Vanathi. Despite their insistence on taking her to a doctor, Sivaangi stubbornly refused, assuring them that she would be fine with some painkillers.

Rakesh was visibly worried as Sivaangi being a pampered kid, will not bare even a slight pain.

Vanathi, ever the nurturing aththai, offered to apply ointment to Sivaangi's hips, but Sivaangi's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and she waved off the offer, insisting that the pain was fleeting and would soon pass. 

Vanathi brought a glass of almond milk, hoping to ease her discomfort and take her mind off the pain. Sivaangi accepted it gratefully, sipping the warm liquid as she leaned back against the cushions, feeling the tension slowly dissipate from her body.

Meanwhile, Ashwin and Rakesh took charge of the kitchen, set about preparing sautéed broccoli, the aroma filling the air with a sense of warmth and comfort. They announced that it was rich in Vitamin D and calcium.

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