A lake in a bubble

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I remember meeting him like it was yesterday. The music, our friends, the sticky floors under our feet. But most of all the feeling. The feeling of pure bliss, of the start of something. That feeling you get when you realise the pure beauty of someone. And he was pure beauty. Dirty blond curls falling down, covering his forehead. Well balanced features adorning his face. The most beautiful thing I had ever seen, his eyes. They were green, i could only see them in short flashes when the lights flashed his face before quickly moving over the crowd of dancing people. But I made out a lot of his eyes in these short flashes, they were a darker green in the middle. They looked like a lake. A lake in the middle of a forest, with the green leaves covering the sky making the lake a small bubble, shielded from the outside world.

The feeling I got that night although does not begin to describe what the next year felt like. It was pure bliss, the feeling of falling in love, of being in love, and of loving someone. He was still the most beautiful person in the world to me. His curls, his eyes, everything about him was beautiful. The most beautiful thing about him, him. His personality. He was bright and bubbly. He still had the ability to discuss important and difficult thing. When I would get sad, he was there. He wouldn't get mad at me, wouldn't say I was being stupid or overdramatic. He would hug me, kiss my forehead, listen to me. Once, when I was really sad, I had cried for an hour, he was hugging me, and he looked at me when I stopped crying and said - You are so sexy, so beautiful. - My eyes were puffy, my hair a mess. He didn't see that, because when you're in love you don't see all that. You know that objectively they aren't the most beautiful thing on earth, but you can't see that. When you look at them you see no flaws, and the few flaws you do notice, they don't matter. You see the good. It's a superpower. Imagine being in love with life, with humans, with nature. The world would be better if we focused on the good the way we do when we are in love.

It's a beautiful feeling being in love. It only becomes more beautiful from each day you are in love.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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