| Ep 37 |

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"Hang on!" I warn before taking a sharp U-turn in the direction of the graveyard. Everyone tilts sideways before straightening back up.

"Logan!" Ashlyn shouts into her walkie from the backseat, "Go press the button!"

"O-Okay..." He responds quietly.

"C'mon..." I mutter to myself, glueing my eyes to the closed concrete gate up ahead, "Come on, Logan..."

I feel the panic slowly grow as we inch closer and it still hasn't opened. I'm about to take out my walkie when it props open suddenly. I let out a sigh and accelerate through the gate. I watch through the rear-view mirror as it begins to close right away.

I come to a full stop and put the jeep in park. I stumble out of the car and fall onto my hand and knees, feeling the adrenaline run out.

"Is...everyone okay?" Taylor asks as she hops out of the car, followed by everyone else.

"I'm gonna be sick." I hear Tyler groan before vomiting a few feet away.

I look over at him as he wipes his mouth, resting his other hand on his knee. I feel a sense of guilt wash over me. I'm usually a good driver, but the pressure got to me a bit back there, "Sorry, Ty..."

He waves his hand in front of him and shakes his head, "N-No...it's all...good."

I chuckle lightly and slowly stand back up. Taylor stumbles over to Ashlyn, offering her support.

She then shouts, waving the keys in the air, "We did it! HAHA!"

I smile over at her before walking over to Tyler to help him up. He looks up with a grin and adds to his sister's celebratory comment, "Yeah...we're pretty great, huh?"

He lifts his head up at me and flinches away, "What the hell! What's all that black stuff on your suit?!"

I tilt my head down and glance over all the gunk on my outfit and skin. It was from the phantom that fell on top of me in the house earlier...and then the one that got shot right in front of me.

"Oh! Right...erm- phantom guts?" I answer, shrugging my shoulders.

He only laughs before pulling me into a hug and whispering, "You're okay, though?"

I smile into his shoulder, "I'm okay, Ty."

He doesn't seem bothered by the fact that I smeared his suit with the 'black stuff', instead wiping off the bit of goo on my face. He brushes his thumb over my sliced cheek, "When'd you get that?"

"In the car. Just a small cut. No biggie." I assure him, squeezing his arms.

"We were awesome!!" Aiden cheers, drawing our attention to him instead. Neither of us bothered to pull away from each other's arms though.

Tyler scoffs, "What do you mean 'we'? You sprained your ankle and were basically useless from the get-go."

Aiden looks over at us and gasps, "I was not! Did you see me dual wielding those flashlights?! Without me and Ash, you guys wouldn't have..."

I drown his voice out and turn my attention to the awkward boy standing a little away from the group. My eyes light up as I realize it's Logan. I pry away from Tyler and rush over to him,


He looks up at me and tilts his head. I run toward him and throw my arms around him in relief,

"Logan! Oh my God! You were so good! You saved our asses so many times! I don't know what we would have done without you!" I feel happy tears run down my cheeks as I bury my face in his shoulders.

His hands slowly run up my back reassuringly, likely unsure of what to do right now, "Oh- uh...no, I didn't do much...it was mostly you guys-"

"Stop." Tyler interrupts, "You've barely had any experience with a gun outside of Aiden's airsoft, which I doubt comes anywhere close to the real thing. You should be proud."

I untangle myself from his hold and step back as Taylor adds, "They're right, Logan. You're really talented!"

We all take turns praising each other a little longer until Taylor turns her attention over to Ashlyn, who she was supporting from her arm, "Ashlyn, are you okay? You haven't said anything. Do you need to sit down?"

I look over at her, noticing how her head is tilted downward, "...No."

She slowly lifts her head up, wearing the warmest smile I've ever seen. Though, her face lacked a bit of color, making her appear ill, "I'm alright."

She then stumbles forward a bit, but Taylor is there to stop her from falling on her face. The redhead's voice comes out a little drowsy, "Just a little...dizzy-"

I take a step forward, reaching my hand out as soon as she goes limp in Taylor's hold, "Ashlyn?"

I fall to my knees beside her and shake her, "Ash?!"

𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐬 | Tyler x Reader | School Bus GraveyardWhere stories live. Discover now