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Today was the day when they decided to go clubbing but little did they know what all would happen there

Rep-Love are u RFI
Lover-Yesss let's go
Rep-First promise me we won't be drunk cuz we need to be sober for driving okay
Lover-Sure I don't have any problem with it

They arrive, order drinks, dancing and enjoying untilllll

HEY you're sooooo pretty OMG I literally don't know which one of you is hotter
Rep-Excuse me who t f are you to just come up to us like this from the pure peace and say things like that?!
Lover- Yeah fr what's going on what you want we're together
TTPD - Ohhhh sorry I thought someone's single
Lover-Could you actually introduce yourself plz
TTPD- Oh I'm TTPD and I just came here to have fun but everyone's just having their own things and no one wants a new friend well I came to you
Lover-OMGGG I'm sorryyy we got you wrong at the first place um we didn't know your thoughts and what was going on but yeah sure you can be with us
Rep-Sorry I didn't know and yeah I agree( thinking to herself aaahh but I could be with my baby alone here, dancing and enjoying with her)
TTPD-Thanks girls um btw that what I said lil before idk who's hotter it's truthhh
Lovertation- (laughs) well thanks
Lover-You're hot too right reppy
Rep- Definitely but not like you
TTPD - Thanks and ofc you'd say that she's your girl , you guys look really great together
Rep-Thanks, so tell us more about you

As time passes they actually become great friends, TTPD gives them her phone number so they talk and meet when they want. Rep wasn't really happy cuz she wanted to be with her love alone enjoying but she knows at the end the bed at home is theirs whenever they feel like they wanna enjoy alone

Lover-So are you going home or
TTPD- Yeah what about you girls
TTPD- Oh well then I'll see you soon I hope
Just text me right, I'm glad we met
Lover-Sure, we're too, even if we fucked up in the first place sorry one more time about it
TTPD-It's okay I scared you and you didn't know anything I understand but now we're friends meansss all good
Rep-Exactly (taking Lover's hand) we'll see you whenever you wanna hang out byeee
TTPD-Perfect, byeee

TTPD thought how she liked them being as her new friends cuz she really didn't have anyone. She found them in that club and even if she scared them in the first place now they're already getting along with each other. Rep immediately took Lover home ofc and now they're actually having some more fun together but yeah ALONE

Rep-Love did you really like her
Lover-Yeah she seems like a good person we just didn't know when she came up to us ,we fucked up a lil
Rep-Hm yeah
Lover-Reppy are you jealous
Rep-Me no why t f you'd think that
Lover-Cuz I can see you hottie and yk that I'm only yours and remember she's now not only my friend than yours too okay
Rep-Mhm it's just I kinda wanted to have some alone time in that club with you yk I wanted to dance with you and just enjoy alone
Lover- A babyyy I get you , well we could now have some alone time right
Rep- You think I wouldn't agree huh
Lover- Come

They ofc ended up in bed, kissing so long and feeling each other. Rep couldn't stop pulling her closer all the time , she just wanted her sm. After that time they decided to take a shower , eat sth and go to bed, but not for round 2 than just sharing love and sleeping.

NOTE - SHUT THEEEE! ERAS TOUR IN PARIS N NO JUST CAN'T NO WORDS FR! 1989 AND ICDIWABH OUTFITS EVERY NIGHT DIFFERENT?! SURPRISE SONGS WHAT IN THEEE? MA FUCKIN ROON TONIGHT WHAT?! I CAN'T WITH HER EVERYTHING IS JUST INFARCTTT AAHH! This chapter is kinda short but yeah TTPD is now the new girl to them but they're already friends and they're gonna get along really well, soon when they'll hang out more!

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