
13 3 1

"ᴇᴍɪʟɪᴇɴ ᴅᴜ ʟᴀᴄ"

To say I was shocked was an understatement. I was beyond shocked. I was dumbfounded, astonished, flabbergasted. There were so many questions racing through my head. What? Why? How? When? I thought as I stared at the towering body above me. He was, well, really tall.

He was wearing a pair of grey coloured slacks and a black, long sleeved, turtle-neck jumper. His hair was down in loose, messy curls and his eyes were droopy, as if he hadn't slept. Speaking of which, what time was it now? If only I had my phone on me-

How are you feeling? He asked inquisitively, staring deep into my eyes. All I could see was just hazel. His goddam beautiful hazel irises were clouding my mind, being a distraction, suppressing all the questions I wanted- no, needed answers to. I took a deep breath in, inhaling the musky scent of spice and lavender, calming my fidgety nerves.

I stood there speechless, the shock of it all still lingering. Come with me. He spoke, releasing me from the cage of his intense gaze. I let out a small sigh of relief as he strode away from me, walking towards the door of the library with me tailing behind him, meekly following him like a lost puppy.

His steps echoed throughout the wide hallways as he led me to a huge room, which had a wide flat-screen television and fireplace underneath. The room was illuminated with several natural light lamps and a huge chandelier at the middle. Several black sofas were spread out and a wide persian rug right beneath the fancy centre table. To the left there was a small bar which had different expensive wines and alcohols displayed on the shelves.

"Sit." He commanded. I obeyed, not knowing what else to do. I could resist, make things difficult for him, but I didn't know the extent of what he was capable of and I didn't want to find out anytime soon. Would you like a drink? He asked quite politely and I shook my head. His lips are thinned as I watched him walk over to the bar, bringing out a glass cup and a bottle of bourbon.

He took a seat on the single-seater sofa on the opposite side of the room and poured out a glass of alcohol. He took a small sip of his bourbon and resumed staring at me. You were saying something earlier?

Where am I? I asked,

My mansion. He replied.


I brought you here.

I clenched down on my jaw, pissed of the fact that he was playing smart with me. Why? I asked, getting tired of his short, nonchalant answers. Considering the fact that you passed out in the middle of a strip club in nothing but a skimpy outfit that would incite the attention of any horny, drunk, tiny brained moron, I picked you up and brought you here. He explained taking another sip of his bourbon. I scrunched my brows in confusion, asking, But why not just drop me off at some random motel if you were so worried?

Dropping you off at some disgusting motel would be rude of me and besides, how would you feel if you woke up in the middle of a random motel room with a severe hangover and no memories of how and why you got there? He spoke, finishing the remaining contents of his drink.

Isnt that what happened just now? I asked.

The point is, He stated, clasping his veiny hands together. I snickered at his attempt to avoid the question. Ive taken quite a liking towards you, He said, slowly making my cheeks turn multiple shades redder. Im sorry for being such an opportunist but, I wanted to get to know you better. I saw the vulnerability in his eyes as he softly muttered those words.

Thats called being an opportunist I thinned my lips and sighed. Look, Ill forgive you if you tell me one thing, I said, looking into his eyes. Whats your name? I asked, and he looked at me confusedly.

Well, I'm quite fond of you calling me angel, He said and I stared at him blankly, he was getting all cocky again. He smirked and said, Emilien. My name is Emilien Du Lac.

Du Lac.

Emilien Du Lac.

Where have I heard that name before?

Well Emil, my name is Heaven, Heaven Rodriguez I said cheerfully. He gave me a small smile and laid back on the sofa. You mentioned that you wanted to get to know me better, well, I'm here. Ask me anything.

Ive noticed that you have quite an accent on you, it's barely noticeable but it's still there. Where are you from? He queried and I answered, I could say the same thing about you too. I'm Spanish. I grew up in a city called Santiago de Compostela in Spain but I moved here for college. Where are you from? I asked. Marseille, France. I came temporarily here for business purposes. Though, I think I'm going to be here for a while.

Is that why you were at the company that day? You're an investor? I questioned. Yes I am an investor. He responded. What were you doing there?
I work there, I'm under the finance department. I said, excluding the fact that I was the manager of the finance department. He didn't need to know that.

The sound of someone clearing their throat disrupted our conversation. I looked over to the direction of the sound. It was Nat. Dinner is served Master Du Lac. She stated professionally. Thats great Natalie, we'll meet you there. Emil responded. Dinner? What time was it? How long have I been asleep Emil? I questioned as he stood up and I followed suit. I didn't want to end up being lost again so I try to be near him at all times. Approximately, twenty-six hours. You've been asleep for nearly a day. Today is saturday. Which means that I have work next tomorrow.

We neared a large room that had an extremely long dining table in the middle. It was hard to believe that all this space was used by only one person. I wish I had this problem. Emil?

Hmm? He hummed in acknowledgement, still facing forward. Im sorry I can't stay for dinner, I need to go home. I have work tomorrow. I told him and he turned back to face me.You can stay, I'm sure your boss will understand-

Its not about that Emil, I just, need to go home. There are some things I need to take care of.

Ok, Wait. He agreed? I'll send one of my drivers to go drop you off. He spoke and I smiled widely at him.

Natalie came in shortly after handing me a small tote bag. It contained my previous clothes, purse, my phone and heels. I thanked her for her services as Emil walked with me to the underground garage. He didn't say a word as we walked down together. The driver was already there as I got in the car. I watched as we drove out of the garage, leaving the mansion slowly disappear into the distance.

This chapter felt like a filler as I was writing it tbh :(

Thoughts on Emil? ;)

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