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dom: taehyung

sub: jungkook



jungkook gulps as he watches his husband poke the inside of his cheek with his tongue, the very visible veins on his neck showing how hard he's trying to hold back his anger. 

"B-but appa, i swear i didn't mean to-" 

"Then why did you do it?" taehyung asks, voice loud. 

"i-i.." the boy in front of them stutters as his cheeks turn red, embarrassed. Jungkook worries at the bottom of his lip when his son looks at him with hopeful eyes clearly asking for help. 

"taehyung" jungkook turns to face the older male. "let's discuss this in the morning for now let's all go to sleep, Minjoon's clearly tired and-"

"tired?!" taehyung suddenly yells as he raises an eyebrow, startling both jungkook and the younger boy. "yea, your right! he must be so tired from all the shit that he pulled today"   


"Minjoon, i expected more from you" taehyung walks pass his son to sit on the couch, throwing a leg over the other. "do you know how embarrassing it was to sit there, at your principle's office listening to him talk about how bad cheating is?"

jungkook watches as his son sniff. 

Minjoon brings a hand to his face to wipe the tear that fell down his cheek, "i know a-and im so so-"

"Most of all do you know how angry i felt when you stupid principle started talking shit about you?" taehyung frowns. "how bad i just wanted to punch him on the face? soon or later i will because you keep giving me reasons to keep going to that damn office, it's the third time this month Minjoon- ah!"

Minjoon looks down at his feet as tears fill his eyes, cheeks and nose red feeling ashamed and guilty. "I'm sorry a-appa, i don't know why i k-keep messing up a-and i s-swear im trying m-my bes-" before the boy could even complete his own sentence he burst into tears, hand flying to hide his face. 

"oh, Minjoonie" jungkook lets out, quickly walking over to his son before pulling him into a hug, letting the boy cry on his shoulder. 

he cried as he buries his face into jungkook's chest, wrapping his arms around his father's torso. 

Jungkook kisses the top of his head before turning to look at taehyung with a frown, showing that he's not happy that his husband made his son cry. 

but the older doesn't look bothered or phrased by this.

"Taehyung" jungkook warns. 

the older sighs as he massagers his temper, an attempt of trying to calm down and let his angry aside. "come here, Minjoon-ah" he says softly, so different from the voice he was using just seconds ago. 

jungkook bites back a smile when his son's quick to follow his father's order, pulling his self out of his dad Minjoon goes to his appa who pats the place to his right, wanting his son to sit close.

" I know school's been rough with just starting high school along with basket ball and all that but, Minjoon, you can't just cheat like that" taehyung says as he takes ahold of his son's hand. 

jungkook takes a seat on his husband's left, sitting so close that their thighs are pressed against each other. 

The high schooler lets out a big sniff making the oldest male's eyes soften with fond. "if you needed extra help with studying you could have just told dad and i, son, you don't have to keep things to yourself. What does your dad always say? we ge-"

"we get through together" Minjoon voice is so soft that if jungkook and taehyung weren't as close as they were with their son right now they wouldn't even hear it. 

"exactly!" taehyung smiles, flicking his son's chin making the younger let out a soft wet giggle. 

"hey! that's my thing!" jungkook whines as he pouts, clearly trying to lighten the mood.

"sorry, baby" taehyung kisses the side of his head as an apology, "forced of habit"

jungkook leans further into his husband's side as he sighs. "how about this" he looks at his son. "you go to sleep right now and in the morning you can tell me the subjects your finding trouble in and i could get you a tutor, well not someone as old as taehyungie over here but someone a little closer to your age so that it's easier for you"

jungkook smiles when his son nods shyly.

"what the hell's that supposed to mean?" taehyung pulls away from the younger looking at him raising an amused eyebrow. "im only three years older to you, you basically just as old as m-"

"oh my god!" Minjoon whines with a disgusted expression. "are ya'll trying to flirt in front of me? your own child?!"

jungkook giggles as he quickly pecks taehyung on the lips. "we would never!" 

"yea, im too tired for this" the teenager gets up. "im gonna go sleep, goodnight"

taehyung lets out a chuckle, " hey Minjoon-ah"

Minjoon turns around, "appa?"

"next time your try cheating, hit me up i'll give you some tips-"



hi guys......

so i don't know if any if you noticed but my book got deleted because w@ttp@d's a fucking bitch. i swear it's getting bad with each update. they can smd and fuck off.

all my oneshots on that book is all deleted and i don't have any of it backed up or anything and its fucking me up because i've spent two years writing in that book for what??? to get deleted????!!

that book was really successful, and it's a shame that it had to be deleted i had 150k views and shit.

but it's whatever, im trying my best to make peace with it.

im sorry to anyone of you who loved that book but it's time for a fresh start ig because the start of that book at some cringey shit in it, lol. 

i'll try posting on a regular basis but no promises. 

for more, please comment and vote!! <33

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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