How they flirt

14 0 4

-dirty jokes
-constant teasing
-gets really polite though sometimes 💀
-basically how he acts around Eddie but if Richie were, you know.. straight.
-always looks for your approval with his jokes
-saying your name A LOT.

-lowers the sass level by about 10%
-tries to make physical contact with you a lot, even if it's just brushing your hand against his
-you two always gang up on Richie together
-pretends to hate hanging out with you

-agrees with everything you say
-y'all make inspirational pep talks together 👫
-makes random eye contact with you
-smiling at ALL TIMES.
-tries to have conversations with you but usually fails miserably

-laughs at everything you say, ESPECIALLY  when it's not funny
-gets defensive at your teasing but loves every bit of it
-gets protective of you
-overreacts at the smallest things you do

IT preferences because I'm bored ☹️☹️☹️Where stories live. Discover now