New Friend

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto!

In two months I have Summer break which means I have more time writing! The next chapters will be several time skips. You'll know what I mean. The chapters will start to get long when the Canon storyline starts. When that is coming updates would take a lot more time. I mean I need to choose between some Manga panels and Anime scenes Shannaro... Anyway onto the Story!

"The best time to make friends is before you need them." - Ethel Barrymore


Sasuke is now getting ready for his day in the Academy. Both had trained the last couple of days in stamina and strength as well as speed. Sakura's Water Pillar Jutsu had improved too it's now as tall as her. He believes that she is stronger than before. She would most likely score high but underneath him since he has a reputation to uphold. Today are going to join the girls from the Kunoichi class he isn't looking forward to the fangirls.

Sighing he leaves the apartment complex and walks in the direction of the Academy located by the Hokage's office. He skids to a stop when he hears a familiar voice shout his name.

"Sasuke-kun! Wait for me." Now in front of him she links her hand with his and drags him along and starts rambling. "I'm so excited about today! I mean all we learned before was flower arrangement but now we're going to learn the crucial things to become Ninja. Oh, by the way I made a new friend! His name is Naruto. I encountered him at the Ramen Shop, and he seemed so lonely, so I decided to invite him and strike up a friendship. We could sit together. Are you okay Sasuke-kun?" Sakura frowns at him.

He had completely forgot about Naruto! Shit! Wait... are 7-year-old kids allowed to curse? Who cares. "It seems like that due to her new gained confidence that she had befriended Naruto. " The black-haired boy knows that there would be tension between them, but he'll try. "Everything's fine Sakura. Naruto? Hn. I guess."

"Yay." The green-eyed girl smiles at him. "Look we're here!" She points at the building thus causing to let his hand go. "Let's go." Happily, she enters and looks for her classroom. Having found it they both enter and sit in the middle row in the far back. They continue talking anticipating the moment when the first students start to tickle in. The room now full of people chattering around the instructor steps inside with a textbook in hand.

Standing on the podium he clears his throat gaining the attention of everyone and everybody starts sitting down as fast as possible. "Welcome! As many of you had heard we have many new additions to the class. The Kunoichi class of our year has ended and have joined us in the path of Shinobis. I ask you boys to welcome them with open arms. My name Is Iruka Umino and I'm your Sensei till your graduation to your information. Now why won't you all introduce to each other? We start with the row to my left an-" He is cut of by the door being opened. None other than Naruto Uzumaki personally walks through it with a bored expression plastered on his face. Angry with being him late Iruka starts lecturing him.

Sighing he shakes his head. "Just sit-down Naruto."

Naruto's gaze sweeps over them till he spots a blob of pink hair. He starts grinning excitedly and runs over there. Seeing his pink friend he immediately sits down next to her thus missing the Uchiha. "Hey Sakura-chan!" The blue-eyed boy greets loudly with a blinding smile.

"Hi Naruto" The said girl replies in a more silent voice yet still understandable. "We need to introduce ourselves Naruto because of us girls joining you boys." She whispers.

Nodding his head energetically he looks around the classroom noting the new girls. His eyes stop at a girl with lavender eyes. The girl being spotted looking at him promptly turns red and quickly turns around facing their Sensei. His eyebrows scrunch together at her behavior. "Weird girl."

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