Chapter 14: Waiting Game

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a/n: hii, this chapter is a little short as i've decided to split it into two :)


How long could we keep rooting for?

The answer was served to you on a silver platter—not long enough. A neurotic month flew by you so fast. It has been two months since Kento fell into a coma. But even so, you couldn't miss a day in visiting his ward. Though it seemed as if others couldn't say the same.

As for Megumi, Yuuji, and other close associates with Kento, they soon watered down from visiting daily to visiting once every week, or two weeks even. They had priorities to put over Kento. They were so young and full of life, you couldn't really blame them for not being able to make the time for him.

It narrowed down to you, and you alone. You were the last active remaining visitor. You talked to Kento for restless hours, ranting about your day, or about something that agitated you, or how much you missed him... anything. You could compare it to talking to the wall. But in some incomprehensible way, you found it to be the favorite part of your day. Anything that you needed off your chest, it would report to Kento's ears.

"So yeah, I guess I just don't know what to think about the situation anymore. But it isn't any of my business anyways right?"

You sigh upsettingly when you finish your final sentence.

Asking rhetorical questions to somebody who wasn't even awake just made you feel more unnecessarily lonely than you needed to be.

You yawn and glance at your wristwatch. "Well alright, Kento," You say. "Sleep well. I'll see you tomorrow."

You stand up and dim the lights for the man, before exiting the room.

2 months later

Soon, it went from having so many things to talk about to not talking about anything anymore. Day in and day out, you would come to his ward, sit in silence, and leave. On repeat. The hopes inside of you were beginning to dim. You visited every single day for the past one hundred and twenty days, and he still hadn't awakened. You didn't know how much longer you could pain yourself for. You wanted to believe that this is just how fate had it. Maybe there is somebody better for you out there.

Every quiet voice in your head began to become blaring ones, reverberating endlessly.

How much longer could I keep doing this for?

Upon finishing a draining Friday you didn't see any harm in stopping by at Kento's. It was roughly 12:00 AM. You arrived at the ward and walked as quietly as you could upon realizing that the entire hallway was pinpoint silence, so much so that you could hear your own breathing. You make your way towards his room and sit on a chair once arriving.

You planned to stay for a short 15. It was super late and you wanted to be home soon, but you couldn't complete your day without a visit. You close your eyes for a short while. Exhaustion hit you like a brick.

You convinced yourself you were just 'resting your eyes', although it wasn't too long until that turned into falling into a complete slumber.


It took you more than five blinks to realize that you were still in the hospital ward the following morning.

A sigh leaves you as you rub your eyes. You were aware that it wasn't the best idea to visit so late, but you didn't actually anticipate to actually fall asleep.

You grab your purse and place your phone inside of it, then you stand up and walk towards the door, turning a shoulder back to bid goodbye to Kento.

"Goodbye, Ken—"

Your eyes fall onto the hospital bed, widening when you realize the absence of Kento's body.


Your eyes shift to the window across the room. A figure outlined in the dark.

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