Chapter 1: S-Brigade

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"Xiao Yu!"

"Zhe Xue, how many times have I told you to call me by my proper name while we're out on the field." The young man's eyebrow twitched, "We're collaborating with the S-Brigade, so please, maintain some form of professionalism."

"Yes yes, Mr Yingyu, sir." Zhe Xue snickered, before pausing, "Wait, S-Brigade? Aren't they like... some super big shot organization, practically unmatched by everyone but the GE Association? What's our baby company doing, working with them?"

"Because one of our Class 2 G.A.T.E.s evolved into a Class 5. Class 4 G.A.T.E.s require at least veteran Sentinel on the scene, and we haven't been active long enough to qualify." Yingyu just shot Zhe Xue a side eye, "Didn't read the files I gave you, did you?"

"I did skim through it briefly. There's going to be a briefing after we make camp. Why waste time reading the document?" Zhe Xue shrugged, "Didn't have time to read it, anyways. Jiji wanted to spend more time with me. You know how angsty she gets when I'm sent off to higher ranked G.A.T.E.s that take like... I don't know, five days at least to close."

"She's your girlfriend, and your Guide. I'm not surprised." Yingyu sighed, "Well, that's besides the point. How could you not know that S-Brigade is here? You didn't see Qin Jiu-daren?"

"I saw him. I thought I was being delulu." Zhe Xue admitted, looking around the temporary camp that was being set up. He finally noticed him, right at the corner of the camp, talking to another man, and pointed him out, "There he is... who's that?"

"Who? The one next to Qin-daren?"

"Yeah. The one waving tongs around."

"Ah... that..." Yingyu let out a sheepish smile, "That's Wen Yuan-daren, Qin-daren's temporary Guide."

"He needs a Guide? Isn't he like... one of those with additional abilities?"

"Don't be stupid. He's still a Sentinel. He's just one of the rare ones that have some Guide traits that allow them to slow down and reduce the severity of a Rupture. Just because he doesn't need guiding as frequently as regular Sentinels doesn't mean something bad may suddenly happen and he'll need emergency guidance."

"An extremely strong Sentinel like him Rupturing... I don't want to imagine it." Yingyu shuddered, "You still remember that guy that Ruptured on the news? Nearly took out a whole city block."

"Knock on wood!" Zhe Xue smacked Yingyu's hand, "Don't curse us."

"You're the delusional one, if you think we shouldn't be prepared for what may happen." Yingyu muttered, and Zhe Xue rolled his eyes, "I just... don't recall there being a guy called 'Wen Yuan' being high on the list of Guides... if he appeared at all..."

"He... isn't really registered under the Guide list."


"He's a member of the S-Brigade, and is also our tech support. Don't forget that the main associations in China mainly deal with G.A.T.E. research." Yingyu slapped his hand over Zhe Xue's mouth before he could blurt out any more bullshit, "The fact that he's a Universal Guide, one of those who can guide anyone regardless of compatibility, has field training, and is one of the few people that Qin-daren trusts with guiding is secondary. I also heard that he's one of the few with additional abilities too."

"Well, why didn't you mention that first?"

"Once you talk about a Sentinel, it's natural to transition into talking about Guides." Yingyu hissed, continuing to watch as Wen Yuan pulled a whole grill out of a suitcase, prompting Qin Jiu to burst into laughter.

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