◇-the truth?-◇

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She found the face familiar, and soon she realized who this man was. Her blood ran cold as she struggled to make a proper sentence. He was none other than the infamous Jeon Wonwoo


Wonwoo seemed to have noticed her expressions and whispered something in her ear that sent chills down her spine.

"Don't worry Y/n, I'm not gonna do anything" Wonwoo said in a deep and low voice. Then he disappeared into the dark streets just as how he came.

Y/n was still standing there, in the shock of what happened. She could still feel chills down her spine every time she recalled what he said to her, especially with that deep voice.

She shook the feelings off, a walked quickly to her apartment.

When she finally reached home, she left a sigh of relief and began getting ready for bed. She still not could not keep her mind off what happened so she decided to call up her friend since childhood and who is one her closest friends. Kim Mingyu.

She called him but didn't expect him to pick up as it was well past 12 now. As expected he didn't pick up but she was sure he would call back. She was thinking about about what happened, when she  realized something which she hadn't thought about. He called her by her name, how did he know her name? Was he stalking her? How would he know?. Many questions came up into her already filled mind. Before she worrys about it any further, Mingyu called her back. She picked up the call.

"Y/n, why did you call me at this time? What happened?" Mingyu asked, sleepily.

"I..just reached home" Y/n hesitated as she knew he would question her about it, and give her a earful especially after he found out what happened in the ally way.

"What! Why so late?" Mingyu exclaimed, then continued.
"I guess something happened when you were coming back right? That's why you called me..so tell me, I'll be listening" he said.

"Yes...that's why I called..I'll tell what happened"  she sighs and proceeded to recall everything which happened in detail to mingyu.

She feels that mingyu is much more calm than the other times amd he seemed to be almost less worried. He always bugs her at these things but not this time. She felt that something was off but she shrugged it off and by the end, she felt as if a weight was lifted off shoulders and felt that she could get some sleep, so after talking with mingyu for a little while, she went to sleep, not that she would a lot of it.

Surprisingly, her manager called her a few hours before work to inform her that wouldn't have to come today as there was some important meeting and they booked the shop for the day, and so she and some other workers didn't have to come because of it. She was more than thankful for this unexpected holiday which was much needed after the eventful night she had the other day.


On the other side however, after the call with Y/n, Mingyu called wonwoo. Wonwoo was quick to pick up the call.

"Mingyu-ya, why did you call me?" Wonwoo asked as soon he picked up the call.

"So..Care to tell me why you were out, hyung?" Mingyu questioned him.

"Oh..you found out huh? She called you?" Wonwoo asked.

"Yes she did and also told me everything that happened" Mingyu stated.

"You know I like it when people get scared of me right? And you also know how I feel towards Y/n..So, it was a win-win for me" Wonwoo chuckled.

"OK I get it, but don't scare her like that" mingyu sighed.

He's a Criminal? Or is he? || Jeon WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now