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In a dark room

Someone is sleeping peacefully after a heavy night that's when his best friend woke him up

??: yahh hoseok why are you waking me this late

Hobi: this late *in a angry tine* min fucking yoongi it's almost 11:00 we are fucking late for the college

Yoongi: *shoot eye open* hehe I was just so drunk last night that's why but don't worry I'm coming
*Smile nervously*

Hobi: come fast ,

Yoongi: ok , umm hobi btw is tae coming

Hobi: yes he is he told me yesterday

*he went out of the room*

After he left yoongi got up and start to get ready for the day

Once he was ready he took his Lamborghini's keys and went to the college

As he reached the college he was surrounded by many girls and boys but his eyes were just searching for a person

Once he saw that person his smile grew bigger and strightly went towards that person

Yoongi: hey tae

Tae: hey Hyung

Hobi : I'm also here

Yoongi: I saw you at home to

Hobi: ya , let's go our next class is biology

Yoongi: see you later tae

Tae: no,

Yoongi: huh

Tae: mine is also biology next *smile*

Yoongi: cool then , come *his smile grew more bigger and hold tae's hand and went to their class*

*An pov*

I think you got to know that yoongi had a crush on tae

Yoongi hoseok and tae were friends from childhood and as they grew up together

Yoongi start to grow feeling for tae too

Back to the story*

Yoongi: didn't that teacher got thrown out of school last week

Tae: yea it's the new teacher

Yoongi: ok

They went to their class and yoongi sit in the middle on hoseok and tae

Then the new teacher enter the classroom and everyone stand up to blow to the teacher

Then the teacher told them to sit down and start to introduce himself

Jk: hi my name is Jeon jungkook and I'm your new biology teacher any doubt?

Girl 1: yes what's your age

Jk: I'm 30

Girl 1 : ohh *sat down*

Jk: now let's get to the study

In the whole lecture yoongis attention were Just on tae and he was listening very carefully and taking notes

Yoongi was to busy to adore him not realise that the class was over

Tae: let's go Hyung

Yoongi: y-yea
*In the cafeteria*

Jin: today's day was too boring plus we have a holiday tomorrow why don't we have a sleepover we can also play some games

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