Chapter 1:New beginnings

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" Fuck it" I think To myself closing my Textbook I've been trying to study for the past 2 hours but the work won't seem to get in my brain just as I was about to go to bed a knock is heard at my door I sigh walking to open opening the door I'm met with a short girl with freckles and curly hair "Hi I'm Jodie" she says I noticed she has an accent but I'll get to that later "Madison" I reach out my hand for her to shake "Welp I'm ur roommate" she states not even bothering to shake my hand and walking past me inside the room I just stare at her Shocked and close the door and follow her "Lis-"I was about to yell at her for being rude but she was out like a light on her bed

The next morning I wake up to the smell of freshly made pancakes in the kitchen only to see Jodie making it "Morning" I say looking at her "Oh Morning" she says overly joyful "I'm sorry about last flight was delayed and I was tired" she says while handing me a plate of pancakes "It's okay" I tell her smiling "so where are u from" I ask eating the pancakes and god damnn they were amazing "Marseille" she replies smiling happily "and u" she asks "Oh I'm from Brooklyn" I state with a mouth full of pancakes making Jodie chuckle "sorry" I say while wiping my mouth "so what are u studying for " Jodie asks while wiping the kitchen counter "Psychology" I answer "You" I ask while standing up "Law" she answers sighing "My parents forced me to study law" she says laying her head down onto the counter sighing I walk up to her to rub her back trying to comfort her "I'd better get ready for class" she says smiling slightly at me and walking off to her room

My first class was maths, which means professor Richard's I groan mentally as I walk into his class and finding my seat the class hasn't started yet but a few students were already making their way into class soon the lecture begins and I casually start to zone out not paying attention to prof Richards but soon my thoughts get pulled away by a certain person entering the room...Justin Hernandez ur typical cliche bad boy who had all the girls falling by his feet including me,me and Justin were once a couple until he had to leave Washington he was once a Sweet lovely boy but when he returned his whole personality and attitude changed
He enters the room, and the professor does not even glance in his direction,Justin walks directly to my direction and sits down next to me and lays his head down on his desk

At lunch, I spotted Jodie sitting by the bench, peacefully listening to music, so I decided to go to her "Heyyy" I greeted her, smiling happily, and she returned the same smile waving "So how was ur first day" I ask her "ughh terrible" she sighs dramatically making me chuckle "so what are u listening to" I ask pointing to her pink earpods "Chase Atlantic I have an addiction to them" she answers happily giving me one of her earpods wich I take happily "Uh hey I've been meaning to ask do you know a Justin Hernandez" she asks looking at me kinda nervous "Honey honey he's bad news all he does is sleep a-" I get cut of by Jodie covering my mouth "He's my cousin ew" she states shivering in disgust "Ohh" I rub my nape awkwardly "I need to speak to him about some-" she gets cut off by staring at someone and I look at who it is ..My brother..he's approaching us while casually eating some Lays smiling like an idiot Jodie is frozen like a statue staring at him as he comes closer I shake her a bit and she snapes out of it fixing her hair and taking out her phone pretending to be busy "Heyyy" my brother Alexander sing-songs out sitting next to me"i don't have money nor food for u" I say looking at him "I don't want any of those I was wondering if u wanted to come to my party tonight" he says smirking "whats the catch" I ask "It's at Justin's house.." he says, making me sigh."Pleaseeeeee for ur older brother, " he pouts and tries puppy dog eyes, but that shit won't work for me "No" I state, standing up, taking Jodies hand just as I was about to walk away "I'll pay u" Alexander says "How much" I ask turning to face him "700 dollars" he says taking out his wallet "deal" I say taking the money and walking away with Jodie

As we reach our dormroom, Jodie shrieks like a high-schoolgirl. "I think I'm Inlove," she states, fanning herself dramatically, I sigh, closing the door behind us, walking to sit next to her, on the couch "But he didn't even notice me" she sighs in defeat sinking into rhe couch "I'll help u get his attention" I tell her smiling happily "no it's fine...I bet I'm not even his type I bet he likes tall slender girls not short and chubby g- I cut her off by shaking her "Fuck those negative thoughts ur perfect tall,short,slender chubby he should love u for whats inside not how u look" I tell her placing a strand of hair behind her ear smiling softly at her "Ur right she says standing up let's get ready for the party" she says smiling at me confidently

Driving to his house gave me a sense of Dèja vu, but I shake the feeling off driving while Jodie is busy fixing her curly hair music could be heard a few streets away, his parents were never home so his place was popular for parties as I get out of my car I fix my mini skirt and top holding Jodies hand and entering the party the smell of weed and alcohol immediately full up my nostrils I look around for my brother but he's nowhere to be seen so I walk to the kitchen Still holding jodies hand I spot my brother busy talking with some random girl and I immediately pull him away from her "Heyy sis u made it" he hiccups Hella drunk barely standing properly "who's the cutie" he asks looking at Jodie making her blush "My roommate Jodie" I say as Alexander takes her hand kissing it the rest of the night I spent most of my time in the kitchen drinking with Jodie by my side since my bitch of a brother went to go make out with some chick "I'm going to the bathroom,u coming with" I ask Jodie "Nahhhh" she replies Hella drunk smiling at me so I quickly go to the bathroom stumbling slightly and suddenly bumping into someone a very familiar person Justin "Hey" he slurs out drunkly "Haven't seen u in a while" he smiles drunkenly at me I sigh and ignore him going to the bathroom after doing my business and exiting the bathroom I spot Justin waiting outside for me "Look I'm sorry for what I did...I know I never apologized for leaving without telling u....just something came up and I had to go.."he slurs out "so please can we be friends again" he asks holding up a bottle of vodka "yeah.." I say sighing "TO NEW BEGINNINGS OF A FRIENDSHIP" Justin yells out holding the bottle of vodka in the air before pasing out

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