The badge and the burden

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[The chapter beginning on a window overlooking Beacon Academy from the new room of Team RWBY, panning over to Weiss Schnee sleeping soundly in her bed. Her eyes flutter open and she stretches her arms above herself, yawning, while Ruby Rose, dressed in her strangely-colored school uniform, creeps up on her side and suddenly blows a whistle, causing Weiss to fall off the bed.]

Ruby: Good morning, team RWBY! And Y/n!

Weiss: (from the floor) What in the world is wrong with you?

Ruby: (ignoring the question) Now that you're awake, we can officially begin our first order of business.

Weiss: (getting up and brushing herself off) Excuse me?

Yang Xiao Long: (holding a collection of objects - pillows, pamphlets, a candle-holder - in her arms, also dressed alongside Blake Belladonna) Decorating!

Weiss: What?!

Blake: (lifting her suitcase) We still have to unpack. (the suitcase opens, spilling its contents) Aaaand clean.

[Weiss does not look enthusiastic, especially when Ruby knocks her back again with the blow of her whistle.]

Ruby: Aaaalright! Weiss, Blake, Yang, and their fearless leader Ruby have begun their first mission! (raises her fist into the air) Banzai!

Weiss: hey wait were is Y/n?

Blake: I don't know he was gone when I woke up.

Yang: I don't know either.

Weiss: what about you Ruby?

Ruby: nope.

Weiss: argh [rubs her forehead] how can you not know you where sleeping with him?

Ruby: [blushed] yeah sleeping.

[Flashback to last night where we see Ruby blushing while Y/n is sponning her with something poking her ass and it cuts back]

Weiss: don't matter will meet with him when class starts.

Ruby: Weiss is right now let's decorate our room banzai!

Ruby with Blake and Yang: (doing the same at her sides) Banzai! (they turn at an angle as Weiss lays on the floor).

[Cut to the school court yard as we see Y/n and Pyrrha jogging with them stopping just infron of a statue of a huntsmen]

Y/n: what a jog didn't expect you to wake up so early Pyrrha

Pyrrha: could say the same to you.

Y/n: how have you been getting along with your team?

Pyrrha: it's been good Ren usually keeps to himself, Nora is hyperactive but sweet and jaune is nice. What about you and your team?

Y/n: thing are good had a small fight last night but it was resolved quickly.

Pyrrha: that's nice.

Y/n: why don't we get breakfast before class starts?

Pyrrha: that a good idea but I think we should shower first.

Y/n: yeah your right well come on let's use the locker room showers don't want to bother our team.

Pyrrha: [blushes] to- together?

Y/n: if you want but I think there separate by gender.

Pyrrha: [disappointed] oh y-yes th-thats ma-make more sense.

[ Both of the start walking back towards the school as it cuts to teams RWBY room as a upbeat montage music starts playing.Ruby with Blake and Yang: (doing the same at her sides) Banzai! (they turn at an angle as Weiss lays on the floor and upbeat montage music starts playing).Yang places a poster of six guys in various poses named "THE ACHIEVE MEN" on her part of the room. Weiss positions the painting of the Forever Fall forest to perfection and walks away. Blake is busy putting away her books on the shelves, picking up a copy of Ninjas of Love and widening her eyes as she warily looks around before putting it back. Ruby positions Crescent Rose at an exact angle against the curtains so she can perfectly slash a diagonal portion off. A quick zoom around the room (and the repaired curtains) ends with the girls admiring their handiwork... with one problem. The beds are cramped together in the center of the floor.]

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