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Robin's POV

"Robin?" Strafer asked from the other side of the door. Robin, who was busy planning a search for Slade, made no hesitation to respond. 

" Not now, Star. I'm busy." He replied. Robin pounded the table with his fist, eager to know how and why Slade was alive, and were he was. Ever since Beastboy reported Slade being alive, Robin had barely come out of his room. After Raven defeated Trigon, he was sure Slade was gone once and for all. But apparently not. After Beastboy had traveled to the girl he claimed was Terra's school, he told Robin that Slade was still on the loose. He was still trying to figure out what caused it, and how much it would take to finally defeat Slade. 

"But Robin-" He heard Starfire start. Robin, filled with anger and tire, yelled. 

"Starfire, LEAVE!" He yelled, jerking his head around to the door, opening it. He felt quilt pour over himself just as soon as he saw the food set down at his feet, and Starfire, hurrying to her room. 

"No, Star, Wait!" Robin yelled. It seemed as if Robin's voice couldn't come out, due to the fact the Starfire kept running into her room. 

He looked down at the plate again and saw a note. 

Dear friend Robin, 

You are never around anymore. Do you dislike us? Do you dislike me? If so, please inform me. I do not want to see you locked up in your room all day like this. Please come out. I am getting the feeling you do not want to be with us anymore. Are we still friends? I do hope so. Please eat this food. You aren't eating anything-surely you are hungry. I hope this food is enjoyable. If not, I will ask Cyborg or Raven to cook. 


This is the shortest chapter I've ever made. Next chapter. Please Enjoy!

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