Chapter One

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Mia's focus wavered as she was meant to review a document. Rather than reading, she found herself observing the woman seated across from her, Miranda. Familiar with her name, Mia watched as Miranda, a taller woman, diligently wrote on a piece of paper. Miranda seemed engrossed in her task, unaware of Mia's inquisitive stare. Mia couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of Miranda's intense concentration, with narrowed eyes and a furrowed brow. Mia felt a surge of panic as Miranda glanced up, likely catching the sound of Mia's laughter. Hastily, Mia averted her eyes from Miranda, coughed lightly, and refocused on the document in front of her.

"Is there something you need?" Miranda's tone carried a hint of annoyance, mirroring the disapproving look Mia could sense without directly looking at her. Mia felt a sudden dryness in her throat as she struggled to speak,

"I'm okay." She couldn't shake off the embarrassment creeping into her thoughts, fearing she must appear foolish. Miranda placed the paper on the table, letting out a sigh as she did so. Mia tried to sneak a peek at the writing by craning her neck, but was unsuccessful as Miranda quickly turned the paper over.

"That," Miranda hissed. "Is none of your concern." Miranda's bitter words fell upon Mia's ears, yet she found herself captivated by the mesmerizing hue of her ocean blue eyes. Mia remained unfazed by Miranda's statement, as it held no relevance to her. Miranda flinched as Mia remained silent. The blonde woman cast a furtive glance to the side, appearing disheartened by the absence of any response to her menacing demeanor. Unfazed, Mia paid no attention and redirected her focus to the document before her.

A couple of tense moments elapsed, during which Mia appeared to be engrossed in her 'reading.' However, in truth, she found it difficult to concentrate on the words. The piercing gaze of Miranda made it even more challenging for her. Mia squirmed uneasily, stealing a daring glance at the blonde woman. Unfazed, Miranda maintained her unwavering gaze, almost daring Mia to look away. Miranda enhanced the intensity of the eye contact by leaning into her hands, placing her elbows on the desk. She maintained complete silence, and her emotionless face revealed no trace of humanity. Mia struggled to maintain eye contact, feeling overwhelmed by the intensity. She felt compelled to avert her gaze, afraid that she might utter something foolish.

"Is there something bothering you?" Miranda cooed, a mischievous grin apparent in her tone. Mia swallowed nervously. Miranda's actions seemed to derive pleasure from making Mia uncomfortable. Mia couldn't help but hold her breath until Miranda finally averted her gaze. The fair-haired lady rose from her seat and pivoted to inspect her neatly styled hair in the mirror. Once content with her appearance, she confidently strolled across the room, passing Mia from behind and causing a chilling sensation to run down her spine. Mia took a trembling breath... Miranda extended her hand towards the document that Mia had neglected to read, smoothly shifting it into a position where she could peruse its contents. Mia's gaze fixated on Miranda's elegant and slender fingers, but she quickly dismissed any intrusive thoughts. "Darling, have you managed to read any of this?" Mia involuntarily trembled upon being addressed as darling. She shook her head in response.

"Not exactly..." Contrary to Mia's anticipation, Miranda refrained from scolding her. Instead, she neatly folded the document and placed it in the pocket of her pristine white lab coat.

"It is of utmost importance that you read the documents in the future, Mia," Miranda sighed. Mia's response was limited to a nod, as she remained slightly flustered by Miranda's unexpected behavior, which could easily be misinterpreted as affection. In an attempt to divert her attention from any unwelcome thoughts, she lightly tapped her fingernails on the desk while humming softly to herself. Miranda's attention was seemingly captured by this, as she shifted her gaze towards Mia and inclined her head. "What is that melody you're softly singing? It's quite lovely." This display of warmth was out of the ordinary. Mia couldn't help but feel skeptical. She simply shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm not quite certain where I picked it up from." Miranda responded with a head tilt, reminiscent of a curious bird. It was endearing, almost adorable. Mia couldn't suppress a giggle, although she chose to remain silent. Miranda appeared to comprehend the source of Mia's amusement as she giggled. She recoiled and averted her gaze, expressing her discontent with a muttered remark. Mia realized that Miranda was feeling embarrassed. Miranda was embarrassed because Mia found her bird-like head tilt amusing. The poorly illuminated room barely allowed Mia to discern the faint blush creeping onto Miranda's cheeks. Mia found herself at a loss for words, prompting her to resume tapping on the desk. In a swift and unexpected manner, Miranda's pleasant demeanor vanished, giving way to her authoritative and aloof attitude. "Make sure to visit my laboratory before you depart. Punctuality is crucial." Mia's stomach churned with anxiety as she felt a swarm of uncertain butterflies. Could she be facing trouble? Miranda abruptly turned and departed, her heels resonating against the ground, synchronized with the graceful movement of her hips. Despite Mia's desire to avert her gaze and erase the entire incident from her memory, her eyes involuntarily followed the elegant figure of the tall blonde. The hypnotic sway of Miranda's physique resembled the pendulum of a clock, leaving a lasting impression on Mia's thoughts. The endearment of "darling" uttered by Miranda lingered persistently in her mind, impossible to dismiss. Despite her diminishing love for her husband, Mia felt compelled to stay faithful to a certain aspect of her existence as she was already entangled in a web of deceit. However, Miranda evoked unfamiliar emotions of allure within Mia. Miranda's impeccably groomed, sleek blonde hair, her piercing icy blue eyes brimming with resolve, and her voice, which was both velvety smooth yet cutting like a snake, yet as light as a bird's wings. Mia dismissed the thoughts with a blink. Pursuing a woman like that would never be within her reach, after all.

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