Chapter Three

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Miranda let out a sigh as she raised her head. It felt like a heavy weight resting on her shoulders. This sensation hadn't been experienced by her in years. She found herself sprawled across the desk, next to an unknown object. Whatever it was, it emitted warmth. Miranda instinctively wrapped her arm around it as she regained her composure. Memories from the previous night floated in her mind, attempting to form a coherent narrative but only resulting in a jumbled mess. She parted her lips to breathe in, and was met with the sharp taste of wine. It was good wine, she acknowledged inwardly. However, in her groggy state, it tasted unpleasant. The familiar surroundings of her office provided a sense of solace as she mustered the strength to stand up. Perched on the edge of the desk, she let her legs dangle. Miranda finally cast a glance towards the object beside her, only to be shocked to discover a deeply asleep and shirtless Mia. Miranda's gaze instinctively shifted towards her own shirt, fortunately still intact. Nevertheless, a few buttons had come undone, and her lab coat lay crumpled in a heap in the corner, as if carelessly thrown there. She would never toss her coat in such a careless manner, allowing it to end up in a pile. Miranda experienced a sense of bewilderment swirling in her mind, along with the onset of a headache. When was the last instance she had a headache? It had been years, maybe even decades.

Miranda was abruptly brought back to reality by the gentle sounds of Mia's soft breathing. Uncertain of what to do, she pondered whether to wake her up or let her continue resting. Miranda acknowledged that leaving Mia exposed would be improper, as Mia might not even be aware of her own nudity. However, she couldn't help but be moved by the sight of the brunette. Mia's chest rising and falling, her long eyelashes delicately resting on her cheeks. The tenderness of her lips, forming a serene smile that could only be attributed to peaceful slumber. Miranda's breath caught in her throat. What happened last night? The question suddenly had more urgency, at the discovery of Mia's bareness. After observing Mia for a few additional moments, possibly due to her own self-interest, Miranda extended her hand. With bated breath, she watched as her fingers inched closer and closer to Mia's shoulder. What could she possibly say? What words were there to express? She firmly grasped Mia's shoulder, allowing herself to savor the sensation for a brief moment. Then, Miranda softly nudged Mia, experiencing a tenderness that had long been absent from her life. Miranda was determined to disregard it, eager to push it aside.

Mia emitted a soft groan, sensing the overwhelming fatigue taking a toll on her. Gradually, she regained consciousness, blinking to dispel any mental fog. Miranda instinctively retreated, positioning her hands by her side to prevent any misinterpretations with Mia. Nevertheless, she couldn't help but ponder over the correct understanding of the situation. Miranda chastised herself for her inability to recall the previous night's events. Despite her remarkable capabilities and resilience, she found it challenging to comprehend the occurrences from a mere few hours ago.

"M'randa," Mia uttered with a lackadaisical tone, struggling to pronounce the name correctly. Miranda inhaled sharply and made an effort to maintain eye contact with Mia. The thought of letting her gaze wander seemed incredibly impolite... She trembled slightly and tightly gripped her fists. Miranda was unable to respond, thus she gracefully descended from the desk in an attempt to steady herself. Evidently, she was suffering from a severe hangover, as the slightest movement exacerbated her headache. Miranda couldn't help but wonder how someone as powerful as her could be so easily defeated by a few drinks. However, upon noticing the four empty wine bottles in her desk bin, Miranda came to the realization that it was more than just a few drinks. Miranda shifted her focus towards locating Mia's misplaced shirt, and even her bra, for that matter. She crouched down and carefully explored the wooden floor, grimacing at the discomfort in her body. Miranda's frustration was evident as she let out a defeated growl upon finding nothing underneath the desk. Attempting to stand up, she accidentally hit her already sore head against the desk, causing her to wince and stumble backwards. The urge to utter profanities was stronger than ever before, for multiple reasons.

The sweet voice of Mia asking, "Are you okay?" managed to slightly calm the flames of Miranda's anger. Mia, now sitting up, remained oblivious to her own indecent state.

"I'm fine, darling." Miranda let out a deep breath, scanning the room once more in frustration. Despite her efforts, the bra and shirt were nowhere to be found. She turned to Mia, her expression conveying a sense of resignation. Mia stole a quick look at her chest, realizing she was exposed. She hurriedly shielded herself with her arms, her cheeks flushing crimson. Miranda remained silent, resting against the wall with her eyes closed. Mia was the only thing on her mind. She couldn't help but think about the charming, intelligent, and kind woman who sat across from her.

"I was sitting on it." Mia finally spoke after a pause. When Miranda opened her eyes, Mia was fully dressed. Miranda smiled gently, though she was aware that her smile held no true meaning. There was a different thought occupying her mind, one that advised her against pursuing Mia. Miranda was fully aware of this feeling. She couldn't have Mia, at least not at this moment. Was there truly an emotional connection with Mia, or was it simply an insatiable desire for more that consumed her every waking moment? It was just another detour on Miranda's relentless pursuit of her goal, a journey spanning nearly a hundred years. Miranda dismissed the thoughts and proceeded towards the balcony, sliding open the glass doors and finding support against the railings as she stumbled. She gazed at the landscape, yet found it difficult to absorb any of its beauty. Undoubtedly, it was cold with snow covering the surroundings. However, none of it held significance before her eyes. The presence of Mia standing beside her rendered everything else inconsequential. Miranda had a multitude of thoughts racing through her mind, numerous things she wished to express, but she found herself unable to do so. Mia broke the silence, her voice trailing off as she questioned, "Did we... What happened last night?" Miranda felt a lump forming in her throat, a rare occurrence for her. Something scarier than ever became evident. She didn't know. Miranda always knew. It had been so, so long since she had last been unsure. The uncertainty of not knowing was unsettling. She shook her head and swallowed hard, responding,

"I don't believe so." Miranda's words lingered in the atmosphere, akin to the chilly haze enveloping the mountains. In response, Mia simply nodded. Mia delved into her back pocket, retrieving a slightly deformed pack of cigarettes, a result of her unintentionally sleeping on it.

With a yawn, Mia extended an offer, "Want to smoke?" Miranda gave a nod, shifting her gaze towards Mia.

"I would like that," she uttered softly. She longed for anything that could help her unwind and alleviate her racing thoughts. Without delay, Mia swiftly ignited a cigarette and extended it to Miranda, who promptly took a drag. It had been quite some time since she last indulged in smoking, but she felt a desperate need for it now. Exhaling the smoke in wisps, she observed as it dissipated into the surroundings, disappearing into thin air. The irony of it all made her scoff. Was any of this truly worthwhile? She pondered, attempting to conceal her thoughts with another trembling inhalation of the smoke. Mia exhaled smoke rings from her cigarette while Miranda casually brushed off some embers from hers. After a brief pause, Miranda inquired, "Are you in love with him?" After inhaling more smoke, Mia spluttered and coughed before regaining her composure and finally answering,

"No." Her answer had too much of a delay. Too much hesitation. Miranda sighed. Miranda then pivoted, applying the cigarette to the back of her hand. The sizzle was the sole noise. Miranda paid no mind to the pain. She had faced more severe. After extinguishing the ember on her skin, Miranda tossed it off the balcony. She had no time for meaningless endeavours. She had a goal. She needed to focus on her studies and research.

"Leave." Miranda communicated in a distant, stern manner she had grown accustomed to. Despite the pain it caused her, she understood that this decision was necessary. Mia's eyes revealed a sense of pain that Miranda understood all too well. "Please inform me of any updates regarding Eveline." Mia let go of the cigarette and shifted her attention to Miranda, her eyes filled with surprise and bewilderment.

"What? Mira-" Miranda interrupted her with a raised hand, feeling her heart pounding in her chest. However, it wouldn't be justifiable towards Mia, nor would it be fair to herself. It wouldn't be fair to her beloved Eva either... Mia bid farewell as she headed towards the door. She stopped briefly, perhaps anticipating Miranda's reply. However, it never arrived.

As the sound of footsteps grew distant, Miranda discovered herself gazing up at the sky, seeking guidance. A newfound fury welled up inside her, ready to erupt as a scream. She was determined to obtain what she desired, regardless of the obstacles. I will take back my daughter.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12 ⏰

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