Chapter 4- Sky Fall

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I walking the house, not bothering to close the door since Ty was right behind me, and walked past the group.

"I'm starving!" Kay complained.

"It has to get cooked first." Adam gently reminded her.

"I know, but stiiiiiiiilllll...." She whined. I let out a forced chuckle.

"Yeah, it just needs to be cooked. Ian, as soon as the timer goes off, you guys can eat, I'll be upstairs doing something, but save me a slice k?"

"Sure thing dude." He replied cheerfully. I set the temperature, then put the pizza in the oven as I noticed Icicle climbing up the counter out of the corner of my eye.

"Do you need something, Icicle?" I asked. He shook his head.

"You just seemed... sad and frustrated." He replied.

"I'm fine." I said curtly, opening the fridge and getting a drink of water.

"You sure?" I sighed and rested my forehead against the refrigerator. "You know me, Taiga and the girls are here for you if you need us."

"Which is exactly what I planned." I admitted. "Sort of like a support group."

"Really?" Icicle asked as I walked over to him and laid my hand beside him.

"Yeah..." He clambered on, and I walked back into the living room. "Um, can the girls and Taiga join me in my room? Need to talk to you guys." I started climbing up the stairs, then paused long enough to add "Save two slices guys, we'll be back."

Adam's POV (Muahaha, didn't expect that!?)

The girls and Taiga hopped up and the stairs, then disappeared out of my sight and followed Samantha and Icicle. I then leaped to my feet and ran to the kitchen, checking the pizza, right as the timer went off.

"Well speak of the devil! My presence must have set it off or something." I said, slightly sarcastically.

"Yeah, I'm sure it was that." Ian ducked past me and opened the oven, grabbing the pan with the mittens and setting it down on the counter. "Oh, dude, that's really hot, even with the freaking gloves on!" He suddenly exclaimed, pulling back sharply.

"I thought so." I smirked, then rummaged through the drawers and pulled out a pizza cutter. I sliced the pizza up into the (traditional number) eight slices and grabbed one.

"Well I guess I'll get the others theirs?" Ian asked behind me. I bit into the food and sat down on the couch beside Ty.

"Dude, you didn't wait for us?" He asked. I shook my head. It tasted so good. I don't remember Papa Murphy's tasting quite like this though... probably because it's been so long since I've had it. The others were grabbing their slices, except for Seto, who was still passed out.

"Shouldn't someone wake him?" Jordan asked.

"Nah, we'll just save him a slice too." Jerome said hurriedly before munching down on his share of pizza.

"Mmm, this is so good!" Mitch exclaimed, slightly muffled since he was in the process of eating his slice. As soon as I finished mine, I realized my eyes were watery. I blinked a few times to get rid of it when I started feeling nauseated too. Was it because I ate too fast?

"Ugh..." I groaned, swaying a little. I noticed the others were looking a little peaked too, their pizza eaten. Was it the pizza itself?

"Oh man, I'm giving that guy an earful the next time I go to Papa Murphy's, with their stupid free pizzas." Ty groaned, managing to stand up partially before falling over and faceplanting.

"Ty!" I tried to stand up when my vision started getting dizzy, and I fell on the other side of the couch. My hearing was suddenly lost, and everything went muffled. I could make out the others asking what was wrong and were also trying to move as my vision went really blurry, then everything faded to black as my eyes slid closed from exhaustion, and I felt like I was falling as I passed out.

Samantha's POV

"So, I er, I need to admit something, but it, uh, it's really deep and personal." I was sitting cross legged on the floor, the girls, Taiga and Icicle crowded around me.

"Just let it out, and get it over with, the sooner the better." Kyleen assured me. I sighed.

"It's just... I feel like I'm guilty if I admit it."

"Please tell us." Kittin pleaded, putting on a huge puppy eyed look. I smiled.

"Nu please, now I'm victim to the cuteness." The girls giggled.

"It's best if you just get it off your chest, Samantha." Icicle grunted.

"Ok... I-I have a-a crush on... eh... well......"

"Who? Who is it!?" Wildstar asked excitedly.

"I-It's uh..."

"Blurt it out!"

"Ty!" I quickly clamped my hands over my mouth and blushed as the girls squealed in excitement.

"That's great!" Shadow complimented.

"Wow! That's so cute." Kay sighed dreamily. "I would personally go for someone else... er, but you and Ty would be so cute as a couple!"

"Uh..." I trailed off, not really knowing what to say.

"See? Feel any better now that someone knows?" Icicle patted my shoelace.

"No, not too much better." I sighed in defeat.

"Hey, lighten up, will ya? Things'll get better. Heck, maybe you two will become a couple." Kay suggested. I sighed again.

"I-I actually think that I should just keep this a secret, if you don't mind."

"Oh." They looked a little crestfallen at my decision.

"Well, if that's your choice, then I'll support you." Starboard vowed. I gave her a small smile.


"I will too!" Wildstar piped up.

"Me too!" Kittin and Silverstreamcat said at the same time.They both looked at each other in surprise while my smile broadened.

"Thanks guys. I needed this, we should do this more often."

Boy was I wrong.

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