Missed u 🔞

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Sky : Phii....keep looking at me like that and I'll kiss till u drop (seductively)

**(I def did not get sarawat's help for this)**

Prapai : don't challenge me sky...I'm already controlling myself 😈

Sky : who asked you to 😼


(Sky's hands were slammed against the wall harshly and pai kissed him hard.Both were exploring each other's mouth hungrily. Pai was dominating the kiss.
His hands slowly moved downwards around sky's slim waist and then squeezing his ass. sky let out a small whimper which was eventually shut by prapai's tongue. Both were sucking the life outta eachother's mouths...their tongues fighting for dominance.
Finally they held back for a minute catching their breaths...)

Sky : paii....I can't hold back anymore...(breathlessly)

(Pai immediately pushes sky to the bed...rips off his shirt first... then pulled down his pants along with his underwear and hovered over him...and turned him over)

Prapai : I love it when u shamelessly cry for my touch...I need u to plead for it (whispering near his ears)

(That sent cold shivers down his spine)

Sky : phi....pleasee...I can't....I want it

Prapai : what do u want babe..I need words to be uttered from that beautiful mouth of urs

Sky : mphhhh....
(Slowly touching himself from down)

(That gained him a spank on his ass and his hands were immediately pinned above his head)

Prapai : sky....don't be naughty and listen to wot daddy says...do u want me to fuck that little ass of urs??(while his fingers roamed down his bare back)

(Sky who is already a moaning mess)

Sky : yes please

Prapai : I want full sentences

Sky : yes daddy I want you to fuck me hardddd all night..right here...right now..I want that big black giant inside me (he said in one go)

Prapai : good boy..if that's wot my baby wants who am I to refuse

(He immediately turned sky around and attacked his lips without any warning slowly sucking and biting his lower lip and sky also started to kiss him back hungrily..the room was filled with slurping noises..

The kiss was directed to the neck slowly biting and sucking it ...Pai's eyes slowly moved to his chest that was bouncing up and down...he held one of his bud and flicked it..this gained a groan from sky who was feeling immense pleasure...he starting sucking one of his buds while the other one was being played by his fingers

As pai moved downwards sky's screaming kept being louder....finally reaching sky's hardened member..prapai had a sly smile

Prapai : awww...look at little sky already hard and standing up so proudly

(Sky being embarrassed)

Sky : shut up prapai...ur the reason for dis😭

Prapai : ooh..there..there don't be upset na...phi will take care of this..

(He placed a peck on sky's already swollen lips and suddenly entered one finger in sky's tight little ass)

Prapai : oh...sky....ur so tight...

Sky : aaahhhh.....mmmm..

(Sky became a moaning mess when three fingers were inside his own scissoring and stretching him....
Pai pulled down his own pants and the black giant was standing out....seeing it...sky's eyes widened)

Sky : pai...has it been growing? Y is it so huge than before? (While supporting himself using his elbows)

Prapai : well...ig it has been longing for ur tight little hole

Sky : enough with the talking phi....just fuck me already

Prapai : patience sky...let me take my time to pleasure you

(pai immediately reached out to the nearby bedside table for a bottle of lube and poured a generous amount on his big member and kept stroking it up and down while looking at sky seductively)

Sky : (biting his lower lip) u look so fucking hot daddy...🥵

(Pai lifted up sky's leg, pulling him forward and placed it on his shoulders..then entered the whole length in one go without any warning

Sky was screaming with pleasure...holding on to pai's shoulder for support as he was moving in and out of his hole each time hitting his prostate)

Sky : arrrghhh....phi....fasttteerrrr

(The room was filled with the scent of sex and moans of the two males... soon sky came first between his legs and pai came all over his tummy...pai fell beside sky breathing heavily)

Prapai : so...how much would u rate my performance huh?😌 (With a cunning smile)

(All he could hear was little snores from sky)

Prapai : awww...my baby must be exhausted...I'll let u sleep then

(He placed a kiss on sky's forehead and carefully placed his head on his chest and they both dozed off to sleep)


Author's note : ok...ig...I had too much of free time so here goes the second chapter total smut..hope u guys like it....pls vote for me if u guys like my writing..hehe☺️

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