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rosalina elena gonzalez used to adore jobe bellingham. their families were friends and jobe's brother was friends with rosa's sisters. they were destined to be friends. and they were. best friends in fact. they were described to be attached at the hip when they were younger and were practically obsessed with one another. this carried on right up until the end of high school, where jobe's fame and attention seemed to be affecting him. rosa, being the good friend she was, wanted to make sure he was handling everything well and that the fame didn't get to his head. unfortunately, it had, he lashed out at her, using nearly every one of her insecurities against her in their argument. rosa herself didn't utter anything positive towards him and responded angrily, hurt by jobe's words.

from then on they hated each other. they couldn't stand one another. rosa often refused to visit the bellinghams, despite how close she was to jobe's parents and his brother, jude, just out of fear she'd have to interact with him once again. she hated him for everything he told her, how he made her feel silly for being vulnerable with him, how she even trusted him to tell him her deepest insecurities. jobe felt the same. he hated her for lashing out and getting defensive, for assuming that he didn't care for her, for insinuating he never cared in the first place.

so they kept their distance. at dinners and barbecues they would try their best to remain civil, but they both knew the animosity was still there. they knew because they would often have little spats while there, finding the other completely infuriating and wondering why they were ever friends. it wasn't easy for rosa. having grown up with a father who came in and out of her life as he pleased, abandonment issues were no stranger to her. she could feel jobe slipping away and it hurt that the one person she never thought would walk out of her life, did. it brought back and completely amplified every one of her insecurities and crushed her that her best friend was so easily able to leave.

jobe was just annoyed by it. he was annoyed that rosa thought that fame had influenced him. he was annoyed that she thought it ever altered how much he loved her. he was annoyed that she had insulted him in their argument. and he was annoyed that he'd hurt and argued with her in the first place. he had tried to make it up to her but she wanted nothing to do with him, cussed him out, and sent him on his way ( deserved ). he hated that she did that. that she didn't even try to understand where he was coming from. it hurt him. rosa always used to understand him and now she chose not to, and it broke him. was it annoying how much it hurt him? yes. was jobe going to ignore the pain he was in and take it out on her? also yes.


𝘀𝗲𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗮𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻 - jo. bellingham Where stories live. Discover now