Chapter V

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As the car parked the car at an old and mysterious coffee shop where she and Alan had celebrated their anniversary. Upon entering the café, she witnessed a younger, more innocent version of themselves, joyfully laughing as if there were no worries about the future.

Minako's smile was gentle as she made her way towards the cashier to make her order, a hint of nostalgia lingering in her expression.

While lost in thought, she accidentally collided with a girl around her age, dressed in a black sailor uniform.

"Sorry," Minako muttered as she reached out to steady herself, her gaze meeting the girl's in a moment of unexpected connection. The girl, dressed in a black sailor uniform, offered a small smile in return. "It's okay," she replied softly, her voice gentle yet unfamiliar to Minako.

The girl made her way to her table, settling down to read a book while her table was adorned with the remnants of her previous order. Meanwhile, Minako approached the counter and confidently placed her order, "I'll take a strawberry matcha," she stated, prompting the machine to swiftly process it.

Reflecting on the past, Minako reminisced, "Back then, he and I used to wait for about 30 minutes before our orders were finished."

"That'll be 54712 won," the cashier announced, prompting Minako to reach into her pocket, only to realize with a sinking feeling that she had left her wallet at home. "Crap!" she cursed inwardly, feeling a wave of panic wash over her.

As the cashier mentioned the amount, Minako's heart sank realizing her wallet was not in her possession. "Oh no, I left my wallet at home," Minako muttered under her breath, her eyes widening in panic.

The girl at the nearby table, who had noticed Minako's predicament, stood up and approached the counter. "Here, I'll cover it," the girl offered, placing the required amount on the counter with a reassuring smile.

Minako looked at the girl in disbelief, touched by her kindness. "Thank you so much," Minako expressed gratefully, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. The girl simply nodded, returning Minako's smile before returning to her table, resuming her reading as if nothing had happened.

After the girl returned to her table and resumed reading, Minako found herself unable to look away, her gaze fixed on the kind stranger who had come to her aid. Sensing Minako's lingering stare, the girl paused her reading and looked up.

"Do you still need something?" the girl inquired, her tone gentle and inviting, noticing Minako's contemplative gaze.

Caught off guard by the girl's question, Minako glanced down, feeling the weight of unspoken emotions between them. Sensing Minako's hesitation, the girl extended a warm invitation, "You can sit with me," she offered with a friendly smile, creating a moment of unexpected connection between two strangers in the cozy ambiance of the café.

"Would it be okay?" Minako hesitated, "I mean, you're probably studying for your exam."

"Don't mind it," the girl reassured, tucking her book back into her bag with a smile.

Minako settled into the seat next to her newfound companion, sipping her drink in silence. Sensing the girl's gaze upon her, she felt a subtle warmth spread within her.

"Such beauty," the girl thought to herself, admiring Minako's presence. As Minako caught her staring, she quickly averted her gaze, a faint blush coloring her cheeks in response to the unexpected compliment.

As Minako sighed, reminiscing about Alan, she found herself lost in a moment of contemplation. Without realizing it, she leaned her head on the girl's shoulder, seeking solace in the presence of a stranger.

The girl, taken aback by the unexpected gesture, blushed deeply, her cheeks tinged with a rosy hue. "Um, are you okay?" she asked softly, unsure of how to respond to the sudden intimacy.

Minako, realizing her actions, quickly straightened up, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I'm so sorry," she apologized, feeling a mix of emotions swirling within her at the unintentional display of vulnerability.

The girl's observation pierced through the silence, her words carrying a sense of empathy. "You seem to be lost in thought," she remarked, her tone soft with concern. "Are you sure everything is okay?"

"I wish," Minako responded, her gaze drifting downward, a veil of melancholy shadowing her expression.

"You can tell me," the girl offered, her voice a soothing melody. "I'll be all ears." The sincerity in the girl's words echoed like a comforting refrain, inviting Minako to share her burdens in the quiet intimacy of the café.

Minako took a deep breath, her emotions swirling within her. "I just remembered the love of my life," she confessed, offering the girl a faint smile. "And I can't help but wonder what I could have done differently for us to be together again." The weight of nostalgia and longing hung heavy in the air, mingling with the bittersweet essence of lost love and unfulfilled possibilities.

Minako continued to open up, her words flowing with a mix of longing and regret, "I just remembered the love of my life," she confided, her voice tinged with emotion. "And I can't help but wonder what I could have done differently for us to be together again."

The girl listened intently, her presence a comforting anchor in the storm of Minako's emotions. "It's okay to feel that way," the girl reassured softly, her words a gentle embrace of understanding. "Sometimes, things just don't work out the way we hope, but it's important to cherish the memories and learn from the past."

Minako's voice trembled as she recounted her memories, the weight of her emotions becoming too heavy to bear. Tears welled up in her eyes, glistening with unshed sorrow as she struggled to contain the flood of feelings that threatened to overwhelm her.

"I miss him so much," Minako whispered, her voice choked with emotion. The girl reached out a comforting hand, offering silent support as Minako's tears finally spilled over, tracing a path down her cheeks in silent testament to the depth of her heartache. In that vulnerable moment, Minako found solace in the release of her tears, a cathartic release of the pain and longing that had been buried deep within her soul.

Minako's tears subsided, leaving behind a faint sense of relief as she wiped them away. "Weird," she mused softly, "For the first time, I'm feeling a bit lighter."

The girl, Rei, offered a comforting smile, "Good to know."

"I have to go," Minako announced, a mix of gratitude and determination in her voice. "Thank you, and..." With a pause, she retrieved a calling card from her bag and extended it to Rei. "We can settle the score at my place."

The girl remained gentle and understanding, "Don't mind it."

"But I want to pay you back," Minako insisted, a sense of indebtedness tugging at her heart.

"Well, I really don't mind," she reassured, her kindness shining through.

"Let's just meet here again, tomorrow," Minako suggested optimistically, a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

"You've got yourself a deal," she agreed with a smile, sealing their pact to meet once more.

As Minako turned to leave, a sudden realization struck her, prompting a comical backtrack to her table.

"By the way," Minako asked with a playful tone, "What's your name?"

"Rei," came the reply, accompanied by a radiant smile. "Rei Hino."

"It's nice to meet you, Rei."

With a warm smile, Rei nodded in acknowledgment, her eyes reflecting a hint of mystery and kindness. The air between them held a sense of newfound connection, a meeting of two souls brought together by chance in the bustling café.

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