Chapter One - Endless Day

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On one faithful morning, Shiro wakes up from his alarm. He sighs a bit, rubbing the back of his neck slowly and slowly getting off the bed, standing up now. He yawns a bit and stretches slightly then sighs and walks over to his bathroom, using it then brushes his teeth and hair. He looks at himself in the mirror for a few seconds, grabbing his floss and starts flossing his teeth a bit. He grabs his deodorant and puts some on then puts on some cologne as well. He hummed lightly under his breath while he walks out of the bathroom, back into his own room. He walks over to his closet and grabs a nice shirt from it then some regular jeans as well. He puts his clothes on then walks out of his room, heading downstairs to the kitchen, he felt his Bf's stare from afar then looks over at him and just slightly smiled a little. "Ahh, Good morning." He said while he then turns and walks to his fridge. He grabs some milk then pours it into a cup the puts the milk back into the fridge, taking his cup then sits down at the table. He pulls his phone out of his pocket, checking the time. He had about 30 minutes left before he had to head off to work. He smiled to himself then looked over at Omori, his boyfriend. Omori stood up from the couch and walked over to Shiro. "So, no coffee for me or what?" Omori said, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow. "Oh, uh right.." Shiro said while he nodded slightly then stood up and walked over to the coffee maker, he grabs the coffee powder out from the cupboard then puts some into the maker. He sighs lightly while he fills it with some water then presses the 'brew' button. Shiro stood there, just watching the coffee pour from the maker and into the pot. Once the maker was done, he picks up the pot then grabs Omori's cup and pours some into it. He sets the pot back down then moves over to the freezer and grabs a few ice cubs and puts them into the cup. He walks over to Omori and hands him the cup. "Just how you like it.." Shiro said while he puts his head down, he lifts his arm to look at the time on his watch. "I should get going now.." He said, while he stood up straight then walks over to the front door. He grabs his jacket, puts it on then puts his shoes on as well. He sighs lightly while he opens the front door, steps out, then shuts the door after sighing heavily. Omori was glaring at Shiro the whole time, then rolled his eyes when Shiro had left. He goes back to the couch and sits down, picking up a book then start reading.

Shiro was now on his way to work, walking there since he didn't have anything for transportation. He soon arrived to his job, smiling at his co worker when she arrived. "Good morning Allie." He said while he chuckled softly then walks behind the counter. He grabs his apron off the wall then wraps the rope around his body, tying it tightly around his waist. He hummed to himself still, while walking over to the register then standing next to it. Allie was getting everything ready for when people walk in. She flips the sign to open then walks back behind the counter and grabbed a few plastic cups and tops, quickly restocking them. "Ok, I think we are all ready." Allie said with a small smile on her face then walks beside Shiro and nudges him. "I heard you have a crush on one of the customers that come in often." She said smirking at Shiro and chuckling under her breath. Shiro began to blush from embarrassment then just looked away from Allie. "What- Who told you that...?" He asked while he kept on staring at the floor, not wanting to make any eye contact with her. "Well you make it obvious actually." She said, putting her hands onto her hips then sighs a bit while shaking her head. "You're so adorable when you look embarrassed." She said while giggling softly then yawns lightly. "Anyway, do you think we can ask our manager to see if we can put some decorations up? This place looks pretty bland and boring." She asked as she looks at Shiro. She tilts her head to the side a bit before looking away and laying her arms down onto the counter then sets her head onto the palm of her hand. "Maybe," Shiro said, shrugging a bit before continuing. "He gets pretty picky about that kind of thing. It's hard to really tell that guy anything." He said while sighing lightly, before crossing his arms and closing his eyes for a few seconds. He opens his eyes again once he heard the bell from the door opening. He looks at the customer then puts on a kind welcoming smile. "Good afternoon sir, What can i get for you today?" He asked, having his hand on the side of the screen of the cash register. "Mm One Hazelnut latte and a plain bagel." The man said, pulling his wallet out of his pocket, grabbing his credit card. Shiro smiled and nodded a bit, adding that into the system. "Alright! That will be $5.68." He said as he looks up at the man, the man nodded then swipes his card. Shiro hums a bit while he grabs the receipt then hands it to the man. "Ok that will be your number for when we call your drink." The man nodded a bit then walks off to the side.  The next customer walked up to the counter then smiled a bit while he ordered their drink. Allie, started working on the first customer's order, soon finishing then setting the man's order down. "341." Allie said. The man looked at the counter then smiled and grabbed his order. "Have a good day sir." Allie said while she smiles. The man just nodded and left the Cafe. Allie sighs a bit then starts working on the next order. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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