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Ray Mond POV

I run my fingers over my abdomen, feeling the raised, angry, and very sensitive new additions left by the person I HATE most in this world. How did it come to this?

Me, first name Ray, last name Mond, being forced to hide in Grapeseed.

I look in the cracked mirror, my signature long brown braids are now tucked under a pink wig.

Ugh, these bangs are so itchy!

I swipe the hair out of my eyes, and adjust the fluffy cotton candy pink bun before nodding at my reflection.

No one will ever recognize me. But, just to be sure, big wire framed glasses cover my eyes, and much heavier makeup than I'd usually wear covers my cheeks and lips.


Very pretty, but so not Ray.

I hear a car pull up to the Fun House and pull out my knife.

Oh no.

Don't tell me Bon Bon chased me all the way to Grapeseed. My survival instincts kick in.

I crouch behind the bathroom door, quietly listening to the footsteps get closer and closer. As the steps get near, I hold my breath.

My body is poised and ready to attack at any moment.

The steps stop outside the bathroom door. My heart starts pounding and my hand tightens around the handle of my favorite knife.

A loud knock sounds on the bathroom door, startling me even further.

"Cups, are you in there?"

The voice on the other side of the door was muffled, but I recognized it instantly. It wasn't Bon Bon.

It was ChatterBox, my partner in crime and the only person I could trust in this twisted game we found ourselves playing.

With a sigh of relief, I slowly stood up from my hiding spot and unlocked the door.

Chatty burst into the room, his eyes scanning every corner before finally landing on me. He let out a low whistle when he saw my disguise.

"Cups, you really went all out this time." he said with a sad smile.

I rolled my eyes and sheathed my knife. "You can never be too careful these days, Chatty. I'm trying to make sure I don't get stabbed a third time."

His sad "smile" falls completely at that. I can feel his eyes graze over my stomach. Over my scars. His shoulders droop with sadness and his hands clench with fury.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you Cups. This never should've happened again. I- I should've been here to protect you. They promised, they promised me they would keep you safe while I was out of town." Chatty says as he hangs his head.

I've never seen Chatty so down... before. I instinctively step closer, wanting, needing to comfort him.

I gently grab his chin and lift his head up, forcing him to meet my gaze.

"Chatty, don't blame yourself. You couldn't have known this would happen. No one expected this to happen," I say softly, trying to reassure him.

Chatty's eyes are filled with barely concealed rage as he looks at me, and he reaches out to tenderly touch my cheek. "I can't bear to see you hurt like this, Cups. You were never supposed to get hurt," he whispers, his voice full of emotion.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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