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trial 1 part 2


Izzy felt her insides buzzing like wasps, that was a constant for the ginger girl but right now it was the most extreme it's been in a while. like e-scope is making a return.

kaleidoscope. izzy chose the alternative name because her mother had bought her one as a kid, when she looked through the toy tube at 9 years old she finally felt seen. as silly as it sounds the patterns and colours was how her brain looked to her; colourful and ever changing.

often kaleidoscope was hidden away in a different section of her brain, but like the optical toy with a simple turn of the instrument she was back.

maybe she was ready to unlock e-scope again.


the atmosphere was rising with noise and tension, ex-campers talking over the top of each other with accusations being thrown left right and centre. there had even been some tears after Lindsay was momentarily questioned.

Hologram Chris slammed down a hammer on the table with a sickening smile, "settle down, settle down contestants. order in the court."

"you are having way to much fun with this, aren't you?" Gwen crossed her arms, annoyance lingered in her voice.

"what can i say?" h.c. responded before urging everyone to come to a conclusion "orderly"

"look guys" Dj nervously spoke up. "we aren't going to get anywhere if we keep yelling at each other."

"Dj's right guys. didn't we search the crime scene earlier? what did everyone find?" Tyler asked.

Courtney looked over to Lindsay who was the one to find duncan's pocket knife, she silent prayed that lindsay's common ditziness would prevent her from remembering the evidence she found.

"i got some photos." Trent said, "i took them on my phone but i'm not exactly sure if they'll be useful."

"any evidence it's important, even small ones. nice work Trent." Gwen smiled at the boy as he placed his phone out so the group could analyse the collection of snaps.

as Trent was swiping through the photos of the crime everyone watched intently, expecting something to jump out and tell them the answer. but it didn't. however bridgette did notice something strange:

"wait go back to that last photo." the surfer girl asked pointing at the phone, trent complied and went back.

"that's not how his body looked when i covered it." bridgette declared.

"what are you talking about?" Leshawna questioned, "we all saw his body, that's what it looked like."

"no i mean- i suggested we should cover up Owen's body because it was just too gruesome to look at. when i found a cloth and placed it over him his skin was sort of red? like cherry red around his neck, but in these photos which was just a few minutes before his skin looks normal." Bridgette replied.

"is red skin a symptom after you die? like post mortem or something?" Justin asked.

"i mean it's possible that it's liver mortis which is one of the post-mortem signs after death. it usually starts 30 mins after someone's died." Cody explained.

"i guess that makes sense..." bridgette concluded. "i don't know his body just looked so strange. his lips even, it's like they had burns or they were very red i'm not sure."

izzy's eyebrows twitched. "burn you say?"

"yeah... maybe i was imagining it but it almost was blistered." bridgette said timidly.

izzy cracked her knuckles, "what did we conclude was the murder weapon?" she asked.

"uhhh the knife in his stomach. obviously." beth rolled her eyes.

"wrong!" izzy yelled pointing a finger at the brunette girl.

leshawna whipped her head towards izzy, her face screaming with is this bitch serious?

"izzy what the hell are you talking about? i'm pretty sure the knife with all the blood was what killed him!" leshawna said matter-of-factly.


the group groaned with irritation, they didn't have time for izzy's whacko conspiracy theories. it was bad enough when they were teenagers stuck in a lunatic camp site. now their adults stuck in a lunatic house. except with their lives on the line.

"yep! she's totally lost it!" heather face planted.

"i think the cheese slid off izzy's cracker...." harold yelled-whispered.

eva perked up, "izzy explain your theory."

"WHAT? no i'm sorry we do not have time for this, we know how owen was killed we just need to work out who did it." trent said.

"is there a time limit mr hologram chris?" lindsay raised her hand as if she was in a classroom lesson.

"the trial will end once you all come to a decision." the hologram spoke.

"i don't hear any of you bone-headed oafs saying anything worth value. you will listen to izzy's explanation." eva said, coming to izzy's defence.

"fine, i'm sorry." trent apologised.

izzy who had suddenly pulled her long frizzy hair into a bun began talking.

"when i was looking around the crime scene, i like everyone else had noticed the knife sticking out from owens abdomen as well as the pool of blood that surrounded him. the likely conclusion would be that owen was stabbed to death. however i also became aware of bridgette's observation."

"—wait! but why didn't you say anything?" gwen asked.

"well by keeping silent i wanted to observe if any of you had made the same discovery, and those who had and spoke up about it would be ruled out from my person of interest list." izzy explained.

"person of interest list?" cody's eyebrow raised in confusion.

"i have one too." courtney spoke up, "what? if we're investigating a crime surely you all have lists of potential suspects?"

izzy ignored courtney's comment and continued speaking, "i can remove bridgette without a doubt in my mind. if she were the killer she would never have revealed what she did just before."

"what do you mean? what on earth are you talking about?" sadie said, "what does owen being red and having blisters relate to at all? and how does that remove bridgette from the suspects list?"

izzy narrowed her eyes, "because owen wasn't stabbed to death....

he was poisoned."


ugh i'm so annoyed w/ myself ! i wanted this chapter to be way longer i was aiming for the trial to be broken up into two parts and the killer to be revealed but it's taking my too long to write . sooo sorry!! i keep ending chapters on awful plot twists.

𝐍𝐎 𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘, 𝐍𝐎 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄, tdi killing game Where stories live. Discover now