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Author pov.

They all reached college and searching for principal office but couldn't find his office All three of them were walking in the college corridor, looking here and there, when all three of them collide with someone and are about to fall when someone catch them. When the three of them open their eyes, they see no one but the same three boys that they saw in the Convince Store and the Library.

Rashmi: you what you are doing here ( pointing at jungkook )
Riddhi: and also what are you doing here mandak ( pointing at taehyung)
Pihu: you also ( pointing at jimin)
Tae: Whatever we are doing, what problem do you have with it? Or what is this ma.. ma..mandak yeah
Riddhi: go and find yourself 

* with that they left for principal office After so much trying finally All three of them got the principal's office.

Before entering the office they takes a deep breath and then knocks. They heard come in and they go inside but they was shocked to see what was inside
Pihu: what you are guy's doing here
Taehyung: Doing what the principal does in his office.
Riddhi: what you mean mr mandak
Jungkook: He is saying that we are the principal
Rashmi: stop joking just call the principal 😒
Jimin: dont you understand what he said we are the principal

Then a staff come and said
Staff: what's going on mam ( pointing at girls)
Rashmi: We have been telling him for so long to call the principal but he is not calling. And they are saying that this is the principal
Staff: yes mam He is speaking the truth, this is the principal only
Rashmi, riddhi, pihu: whattttttttt
Staff: yes I'm telling the truth they are principal
Rashmi: sorry sir we thought you were lying Because we thought you guys were following us 🙂😔
Jimin: What did you think we were following you No girls BTW take the schedule and go to your class
We three: ok sir and sorry once again ( left from there)

We were walking towards our class and thinking about how bad the first day had gone. We reached in front of our class and took a deep breath and knocked the door and the door opened and then we went inside.
Teacher: you are new student right?
Rashmi: yes mam
Teacher: oh please introduce yourself
Rashmi: ok mam, hi I'm Rashmi from india I hope we will be good friends
Riddhi: I'm riddhi from India nice to meet you
Pihu: hi I'm pihu from india nice to meet u all
Teacher: ok you can take your seats
We three: ok mam

After two three class

Lunch time

We are doing our lunch and 4 girls coming towards us and said

??: hi I'm Jennie will you be my friend ( asking to Rashmi)
Rashmi: yes why not and hi I'm Rashmi nice to meet you

With that We introduce ourselves And talk about random things

Time skip at last class

Teacher: student todays class is end now you can go to your house
All students: thanks mr lee

At home

Rashmi: haye itna thakan bhara din tha re ( uff it was such a tiring day )
Riddhi: sahi boli re dimag ghum Gaya lacture me ( you said it right my mind wandered in the lecture
Pihu: are yeh sab choro kuch khane ka banao bhuk lgi hai zor ki ( Hey, leave all this and make something to eat, I am very hungry.
Rashmi: ok you both go and freshen up and come
Riddhi+pihu=rohi: ok mom 😂😂
Rashmi: bhak pagal ( goddamn crazy ) 😂😂
After some time

They all have their dinner

Rashmi: ok ab jao so jao kal bhi college jana hai haye itni thakan ( Okay, now go to sleep, we have to go to college tomorrow too, so tired. )
Riddhi: ok good night take care
Rashmi: good night ( left from there)

At Rashmi's room.

Rashmi pov.
Finally Today's day is over, I hope tomorrow is a better day.

Jeon jungkook he is so rude 😒 but he is handsome too aghh what are you saying he is not handsome he is rude and cold as fuck
Ok I should sleep now good night Rashmi

Ok so that's all for today
Bye take care
Saranghe 💜

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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