All This Time I've Been Waiting

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The war has been over for months. The Restoration have been working hard to get everything back in order. People assume that the infamous 'Infinite' had died after mysteriously disappearing during the end of the war. However, nobody could be more wrong.

Shadow was standing upon a rooftop, the stars shimmered above as the sun set quickly. Watching over the streets, arms crossed over each other, that's when he felt a strange weight on his feet, a strange sound in his ears as he stumbled, his head ached, as the world around him seemed to distort. A soft yet unnerving chuckle emitted from behind him, dizzily, he turned his head around, a squint of confusion at the one he saw.

" So, we meet again, Shadow... Ah, it's been quite awhile, hasn't it? Remember me? "

Spoke the dark jackal, the ruby in his chest throbbed with anticipation as he tilted his head, a condescending smile from beneath his mask.


The ebony hedgehog adjusted his footing a growl emitting from his throat.

" No. I don't think I recall you. It must mean you were irrelevant. "

The hedgehog scoffed, a hand to his head in frustration at the ache in his brain.


The jackal looked displeased, his tail swung lightly as he considered what to do to jog the hedgehogs memory... oh, but that's not the reason he was here, now was it?

" Thats just too bad... "

Murmured the jackal, Shadow didn't look too impressed, his posture was straight despite the ache and constant ringing in his ears from the jackals warp of his reality.

" I'll have to remind you. "


He cocked an eyebrow, a slight droop of his ears as he tilted his head to the side, a bearing of his teeth.

" Remind m- ? "

His words cut short, as that same noise emitted from the ruby, the jackal teleporting infront of him, he didn't even realise he was being pinned down to the ground, as a grunt escaped him.
The jackals breath was warm against the hedgehogs face, as his voice lowered with the close proximity. It took a moment for the hedgehog to realise the others mask had mysteriously vanished from his face, now lying on the ground nearby.


" Do you recognise me now ~ ? "

A smirk etched upon his face, the hedgehog growled in retaliation, fighting against the restraint of the jackals hold on his wrists. Infinite was amused, pinning the hedgehogs arms above his head, grasping his wrists with one hand,, to use the other to feel his soft chest fur.

" I thought you'd remember the face you humiliated? "


A shiver erupted from the hedgehog, kicking his legs lightly, though, no use against the hold the jackal had on him. The jackals hand glided down his torso, his claws lightly scratching along, before resting at his abdomen. An odd feeling grew inside the hedgehog, his body tensed.

Shadow inhaled sharply, he couldn't help the strange twinge of desire that moves through his stomach at the thought of what the jackal was planning to execute, hating himself for it as he shook his head, a low growling in his throat.

" Stop. .- "


The jackal seemed to lean closer to the hedgehogs face, a smirk played on his expression.

" Ah, so you do remember, don't you? "

The jackals breath teasing the hedgehogs lips, Shadow tenses more as the jackal leans closer, his heart pounding in his chest and his body thrumming with an odd desire. He hates himself for it. Oh he hates himself for it, but he can't help but slightly lean back in toward the jackal, a low growl of frustration in his throat.


" I'm afraid I-.. don't.. "

He stifled, the jackal grinned as the hedgehog leaned into his advances, his hand lightly teasing his abdomen. The hedgehog shivered under the touch, what was he thinking? He barely remembers this guys name and yet-


" You have not a clue, do you? You took my family.. my squad.. you humiliated me to my face. Ohoho, and I must give the same favour..."

He leaned ever so closer, he was so close... the jackal tightened his grip around the hedgehog's wrists, the hedgehog would sweat, his eyes following the ruby, and along the jackals body, he clenched his teeth, what was he thinking? What was he thinking? No, this jackal was playing with his head.. what was he doing to him? Why did he like it?


" Who even- "

The hedgehog couldn't even muster his words as his breath seems to feel heavy, why did he feel this way? What is happening? Damn it, he was hot. Why was he hot?


" Infinite. "

He interrupted, letting go of his wrists to let his arms fall by his sides, resting his hand against his cheek, as he leaned further and forced his mouth to the hedgehogs. Shadow had a slow reaction, does he fight against this or not? He clenched his fists, as sweat dripped down his face, he felt warm. The jackals tongue against his own made his head ache more than it already did. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

The jackal didn't let up, either, his canines biting into his lip as he kissed him with such force, leaving him little chances to breathe. Eventually, the jackal pulled back a slight to catch his own breath, the hedgehog would pant from underneath him, the jackal simply gave a cruel grin.

" You... bastard..- "

The hedgehog growled, before the jackal went to kiss him again, not once did he break it. The hedgehog felt ashamed that he enjoyed this. The jackals hands felt up his sides, occasional claws digging into them. The jackal pulled back slightly to give his reply,

" Take this as compensation... oh, how I desired this humiliation of you. "

The hedgehogs eyes half lidded, he felt humiliated, but oh Gaia, the feeling of the jackals mouth only made it arousing. Ugh, he felt like a freak. He wouldn't be forgetting this, that's for sure, and that was exactly the jackals intention.

An encounter he isn't to forget, not at all.

[ END. Continue??? ]

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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