Schemes and Mischief Go Hand in Hand

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Moon's hands fidgeted as he walked up to Cadence's door, and he gently rapped his knuckles on it.

"Enter!" She called from inside.

Moon slowly entered, feeling slightly uncomfortable entering her room. This would be the second time he has ever done so, and it is slightly weird entering a female's nest.

He heard a quiet buzzing sound, and followed it to the bathroom, where she was shaving her hair with an electric razor?!

"Sup." She said, not looking away from the mirror as she gave herself a crew cut, leaving the hair on the top of her head relatively long so it fluffed up. Looked badass, in his opinion.

"Uh, I see you are cutting your hair." Moon said, his eyes following the purple hairs that fell from her head and onto a paper towel.

"Yeah, bringing back an old cut. Short on the sides but kind of mowhawk-y. Looked good on Meteora, looked good on me too, why not bring it back." She replied, shrugging.

Moon blinked as he asked, "Who is Meteroa?"

She fished out her phone, scrolling on it a moment before turning the screen to him:

[GIF wouldn't work]

"See how cool her hair looks? The one with the tail." She said, handing Moon her phone. He watched it a few times, enraptured.

"This is one of those.... GIFs, right?" He asked.

"Oh good, you aren't like, a psychopath. Would have gotten angry if you pronounced it with a J and not a G." She said with a chuckle, resuming cutting her hair.

Moon set her phone down, not even pondering the idea of scrolling through her camera roll. Who knows what he would find.

Certainly not him, and he wasn't going to risk it.

"Would you... like some help?" He asked hesitantly.

"That would be great, thanks." She replied, smiling as she handed over the razor.

Moon took it, gulping quietly as he realized the responsibility he now held. He had to be absolutely careful if he didn't want to accidentally cut her.

She seemed to notice his nervousness, and she took the razor and poked her arm with it. Moon gasped in horror, but stopped as he saw there wasn't even a mark.

"It has a safety bar." She explained, motioning to the plastic that surrounded the blades, preventing it from getting too close to skin.

"Oh." Was all Moon said as he was handed the razor. She straightened out, standing still as she leaned against the counter. He leaned forward, starting to style her hair exactly as the GIF had shown the girl's hair.

"Why did the girl look the way she did?" Moon asked.

Cadence chuckled as she explained, "Oh, it's this show I watched as a kid. That's Meteora, child of Queen Eclipsa, half human half monster. She was originally raised by a robot and named Heinous, but they defeated her in this big fight and she was turned back into a baby. The GIF you saw was when she had spent years in some alternate universe that experiences two years for every minute on Earth. The guy you saw was Marco, who had been stuck there for 16 years earning himself a pair of dimensional czahs. Would be a great place to spend time studying though, as you could spend hours upon hours in there and not even be gone for a minute back on Earth."

Moon listened, enraptured as she rambled. Her voice was so beautiful, he could listen to her talk for hours on end. Too bad she isn't much of a talker, so quiet.

He smiled, nodding as she spoke while he buzzed her hair.

"But then again, it isn't nearly as nice there, since they have some weird shit called garlic spiders or whatever. I never really got to sit down and watch the show, it was my sister's show, and I was usually busy with schoolwork." She babbled, rolling her right wrist, "Though since leaving Earth I have seen a bunch of cool shit, so it evens out. The universe is so weird, and I really love it, cause there are so many cool things. Like this rabbit species everyone says is dangerous but I don't see how, it was so cute and just made my skin tingle."

Moon stopped as he heard that. "Wait wait wait, are you talking about Peonnys?" He asked.

"Yeah, those things. Don't know why everyone reacts so shocked, they are just so cute. If anything, my skin feels just the slightest bit like when I eat pineapple." She said, waving her hand dismissively.

"Peonnys are extremely dangerous for a lot of species. They secrete citric acid from their fur, which can cause a lot of problems for most species. I can't even understand how you can like those lemon cakes so much, if I ate it, I would have indigestion for the rest of the day!" Moon exclaimed.

Cadence paused, processing his words. An evil look crossed her face as she said slyly, "Say, what happens when your species ingests lemon juice?"

Moon blinked confused at her reaction. "It causes indigestion. A bit of a laxative for the more sensitive ones. Why?" He replied.

"You wouldn't happen to know how sensitive your brother Eclipse is, would you?" She said sweetly, turning to face him as she did puppy dog eyes and battered her lashes at him.

Moon blinked, admiring her cute face as he replied, "Oh, um, a small bit can... can make Eclipse direly need to use the bathroom for the rest of the day. A bit.... sensitive to citrus.... Works like a laxative...." He leaned forward slightly, eyes swirling ever so slightly.

She looked away, smirking as she said, "Good, I'm gonna make that cunt pay."

"I would recommend against such an action.... May I.... kiss you?" Moon said slowly, and she looked at him surprised.

"Um?" She said, blinking quickly.

"Nevermind!" He exclaimed, straightening with wide eyes and a dark blue face, "I said nothing!" He started to leave, but she grabbed his wrist, pulling him just hard enough that he tumbled, and she dropped him into a dip. She smirked as she kissed him on the lips, eyes half-closed.

Moon was stunned, unable to react before she pulled away and spun him away, him spinning to a stop and falling onto her bed. She winked, clicking her tongue as she teased, "There ya go, handsome."

She then closed the bathroom door.

Moon was stunned, his nightcap-like appendage wagging as the orb on the end grew brighter. He set two fingers on his lower lip, the taste of chocolate strong.

He giggled giddily, getting up and leaving in a daze.

Sun is going to be SO jealous when he tells him!

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