Kai , suho , chen
Jennie , rosé, lisa , jisoo
Kai with lisa without any interest forcefully marriage
Suho love lisa secretly
Lisa fall in love with chen
Chen love with jisoo
Kai loves Jennie
Jennie here for revenge of rosé
rosé was dead bcz of lisa...
Chen : Look , before I finish... please calm yourself
" That night when we met , I went to suho 's house to explain just bcz of a girl I don't wanted to ruin our friendship like this...but when I went to his house his was scared his expression wasn't normal ... suddenly I heard some noise ...when I ask him " You live alone " so who is in the room ?
Ya ..my cat ...he answered
From his behaviour i found out that...he was hiding something...
I went to jisoo said everything
Jisoo: ya may be he is hiding something...when he was in our farm house he was worried
Chen : we have to find out what's wrong with him
We went to his house again and saw girl sandel we didn't ask him but the same sandel, pads
We didn't ask anything...we made a plan ...jisoo called suho on farm house...and i went to suho 's house when I opened the door of room I saw lisa ...I was shocked cause she is trying to suicide I stop her
Chen : Are you Lisa ...Kai's wife
Lisa : who are you...how did you found me
Chen : I am Kai's friend...come with me
Lisa : No ...let me die
Chen : Are you crazy...why do you want die
Lisa: cause their is no point of my life
Chen : what about Kai
Lisa : Kai...she smiled do you really think he loves me
Chen : ok what about your parents
Lisa : they love shares more than daughter
Chen : I know this is hard time for you...you don't have anyone right now with you but may be in future someone liked you ...you will be first priority in his life please come with me ( Lisa nodded and went with chen )
After i heard that I was speechless out of anger i garb the neck of suho , till he can't breathe but chen stopped me ....
Suho : Why your getting angry.. cause this is your wife I don't think so their nothing between you both as a married couples...
Kai : why you are wondering about this ... it's our personal matter
Suho : Really... their is nothing personal between you
Kai : why you're doing this all cause you loved my wife
Suho : wife ..( with smirk smile ) yes I loved her and i kidnapped her just bcz I want to give her a life where she found a true love ...
Kai : But she rejected you
Suho : I know ( screaming) what do you think you left your wife just bcz of Jennie you rush to find her but never try for lisa
Kai : Because I found that letter
Suho : you don't know about her handwriting...you didn't check cameras ...let it be you didn't try to call her
Lisa : stop it ...i know who is gonna be my man ...and of course it's not you guys (looked at chen with smirk smile)
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