Jane POV

Morning 6:00 AM

Turning of the alarm I quickly get off the bed as I don't want to be late for the college on my first day, yeah I know the semester has already started but my admission was late because I was not able to clear the exam on my first try thankfully I made it on my fifth try but I was tell not able to make to the university but my parents being able to pay the extra money to send me to the university I am starting it today so, I don't want to be late and make a bad impression on my professors.

While brushing my teeth I was thinking about my life in Miami that how from being a top student I became a below average. How much parents were so disappointed with me but they were nice they never let me feel that but from their expressions I could feel their expectation from me. That's why I so head strong that I wanted to join the New York National University to pursue my career in mass media. I was looking at all the marks that were reminding me of my reality. I always had imperior complex which means that I hate it to be let down. This condition was from the beginning of my life but at the time I was at my great life, always making my parents proud from my grades but as I give my great started falling which made me think that I cannot do anything in my life and I was feeling like a liability on my parents.

As I was thinking about this I heard my best friend Maya shouting from the pavement outside my rental apartment " Hey, JJ do you wanna be punished on the first day of your college. "
Maya is the only friend I have in New York she is the one who motivated me to get in the admission in this University she is my best friend from childhood we share everything with each other but do I? I trust her but still she doesn't know about my past or my present. I was never a person who would share my Dark Side with someone. She knows me as a person who is always smiling, cheerful and very talkative.

After getting ready to go to university I literally started running from my room and even skipped some stairs while going outside the house and replied to Maya, "Sorry Maya but you know most of my things are packed, So I was not able to find my skirt." On which she replied, " Ok we can talk about this on the bus but I don't wanna be late for college because of you."

After getting on the bus I was thinking about how my first day of college would be? Will the people be nice to meet and I would be able to make friend with them or will I able to hide the things that I don't want anyone to see. The adventure awaits....

Authors. Hey everyone this is my first ever book in which I would be writing about everything that rooms in my mind. I know this chapter is short but don't worry I am going to upload more chapters soon
Byee lovelies... 🩷

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