Part 9

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We drove back to John's in silence, I simply didn't have anything to say. I knew the disaster which was our evening was by no means my fault but I felt awful for causing a rift between them. As I neared his house I felt my mood turn sourer and sourer. I pulled into his drive way but rather than turn the engine off I left it idling, not sure if my invitation to spend the night still stood.

"Aren't you coming in?" He asked confused as he undid his seatbelt.

"I wasn't sure I was still invited, what with everything's that happened." I grimaced as I remembered the ugly look on that awful woman's face.

"Of course you are, if you still want to?" He was still frowning at me. I could sense we were very shortly going to be at loggerheads. I wanted him to say, despite upsetting his friends, he still wanted me to stay. And he wanted me to say, that despite his friends, I still wanted to stay. As the silent pause became uncomfortable I felt like asking him to stay was like admitting he meant more to me than he should.

He continued to stare at me and in his eyes I could see him beseeching me to ask.

"Do you want to go home or would you like to spend the night with me?" His tone was firmer but I could see he was holding his breath waiting for my answer.

Of course I wanted to stay, if I was being honest there wasn't a single place I'd rather be than here with him, but with my impending departure perhaps the sensible thing to do would be to go home. Yes I'd be gutted, I desperately wanted to spend as much time with him as I could. But the more I got to know him the harder I knew it'd be to leave on Sunday.

"I'd like to...come in please." I said closing my eyes and biting my bottom lip. I knew this was the wrong thing to do, but I just wasn't ready to say goodbye yet. When he didn't move or answer I opened my eyes to find his staring straight at me.

"I'd like that too." He said smiling at me sadly before taking my face in his hands and kissing me gently. "I'm not ready for this to be over yet either." He continued. I did wonder if he could read my mind but I guess my hesitation had told him exactly what I was feeling.

I switched the engine off and together we went into the house. I couldn't think of anything to say. In fact I didn't want to say anything I just wanted to be wrapped in his arms and have everything else, other than thoughts of him, pushed out of my head. He held my hand as we slowly walked up the stairs, still the silence stretched on between us. It wasn't uncomfortable though, if anything I was glad as I couldn't be absolutely sure I could hold my emotions in check if I started to speak. I don't know where it came from but I felt overcome with sadness, I felt like time was running out and I knew whatever I did it would be the wrong decision. I could feel my breath was laboured as I tried to focus on something, anything, just not leaving.

I hadn't even noticed John had striped and was stood before me naked, I reached my hand out and let it run over the smooth contours of his chest and down to his stomach. I loved the feel of his soft skin against my warm fingers. As I focused on his chest I could see him watching my closely, waiting for me.

I slowly undid the buttons of my blouse and let if fall onto the bedroom carpet. Next I stepped out of my shoes and quickly removed my jeans and underwear. Trying not to let my insecurities get the better of me I quickly reached behind me and unclasped my bra, again letting it slip to the fall with the rest of my clothes. Before I knew it I was stood before him equally as naked. He watched me for a second, greedily casting his eyes over and over my body before closing the distance between us and engulfing me in his arms.

He pressed his body flush to mine and slowly reached down and kissed me. His lips were soft and gentle against mine, it was like he was savouring my taste. With my head and heart at odds with each other I needed a distraction and I needed one now. I instantly deepened our kiss and pushed my tongue into his mouth. I needed him right now, I needed him to fill my head with thoughts of nothing other than having him inside me and pushing me to my climax.

Thankfully he didn't disappoint and within seconds I could hear the now familiar rip of the condom foil. He eased himself into me gently and slowly moved inside me.

"Please" I implored as my hands grabbed his behind and thrust him deep inside me. His feral groan filled my ears as I again thrust him into me. My body ached with longing as I again pushed him, I urgently needed to find my release, loose the tension weighing on me. I yet again slammed him into me.

"Jesus Jen" he called out in between moans of pleasure. Hearing his cries fill the room I felt alive and desperately wanted to hear him calling out my name as his own release overpowered him. Watching his body respond to me ignited that familiar stirring from deep inside me and as he continued to thrust into me I lifted my hips and using my hands push him farther and farther into me, our bodies crashing together fast and furiously.

The sensation was starting to overtake me, I thought I could hear me calling out his name time and time again, begging him not to stop, not to ever stop. But I was so focused on the overwhelming feeling building inside me I can't be certain I'd audibly spoken the words or just screamed them in my head.

With one final push I finally came undone, the pins and needles sensation cursing through my body, causing it to sing with each movement he made inside me. As I continued to spiral through my orgasm my energy quickly drained from my body until I was totally spend.

"What the fuck was that?" He asked as he collapsed on the bed next to me.

"I'm really sorry" I said sheepishly, glad it was dark enough in the room that he couldn't see the crimson shade of mortified my face had turned.

"Fuck Jen don't apologise" he said turning on his side to face me. "That was amazing." He was grinning from ear to ear, and I knew my expression mimicked his. I sighed heavily as relief rolled off me.

"I'm hard again already just thinking about it" he added as he reached towards me and kissed me lightly on my lips.

"Thank God for that" I teased back, "I think I need distracting again from the memories of that awful evening." And I pulled him onto me and kissed him heavily.

"Fuck Jen, I think I'm going to ask if we can have dinner there again tomorrow night." He joked before kissing me back.

"Please don't, I'll do anything you want." I promised, clearly knowing he could ask me to perform or allow him to perform any kind of sexual act he so desired. To be honest with the way I felt right now I'd have done just about anything he wanted me to. I was practically panting as I waited for his reply.

"Anything?" He questioned, with a knowing look in his eye.

"Anything" I answered instantly.

"I'll hold you to that" he teased, "Perhaps tomorrow, I'll tell you what I want you to do." He continued.

"Please do." I purred as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me so I could kiss him.

"Hmmm I will" he grinned. "But for now I think I'm going to hope for a repeat performance." His mouth pushed against mind and I opened my lips beckoning his tongue inside.

"Oh God, I want you so much" I confessed breathlessly before I could stop myself. His mouth crashed into mine and immediately claimed me. With all thoughts of university temporarily banished from my mind I relaxed and gave myself completely to the moment, completely to the sensations cursing through my body and completely to him.

As I again spirally through an overwhelming cacophony of passion and pleasure I knew I'd made my leaving on Sunday even more unbearable.

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