season/series 1

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The start of mr mushroom started very late 2023. December 29 to be exact. A few days later all the episodes were completed. Potato with hat posted all of them together, bringing us Mr mushroom and fellow friends.


the first season has 10 episodes. All bringing some interesting stuff we can review.

EPISODE 1: SHROOMS This episode is more of a pilot other than an episode. Mr mushroom says Mr mushroom repeatedly throughout the episode. He does some stunts and gets crushed but turns out to be fine.

EPISODE 2: LOW QUALITY This episode has Mr mushroom saying Mr mushroom. it starts with Mr mushroom turning into a low quality version of himself. his voice is also low quality. He moves away in low quality, slides in low quality. Its another basic episode, but that's what Mr mushroom is known for. Right?

EPISODE 3: FIVE NIGHTS AT MUSHROOM Don't get ur hopes up this isn't about FNaF in anyway. But this episode does have lore for the first time. Meet metal-shroom! Mr mushroom turns into metal-shroom this episode. He uses the power of metal shroom to turn off the lights and give the viewers a fright. But metal-shroom does make Mr mushroom his voice deeper and more metallic.

EPISODE 4: MAKE LOVE NO HATE This is the first episode where Mr mushroom speaks! Mr mushroom tells the viewers how much he hates the N-word. The N-word being: notcool (not cool) Mr mushroom find this very racist but during his distress over this word he accidentally blows up Mr tophat. But more about him in the next episode.

EPISODE 5: RAPPING FOR FRIENDS Remember that this show has 'fellow friends' in the name. yeah this is where that happens. Mr mushroom turns into super-shroom! And he uses his ability's to fly into space. this makes potato with hat and Mr tophat notice Mr mushroom. Mr mushroom raps so good he makes them fly away. Mr mushroom is now friends with Mr tophat and potato with hat. (Potato with hat will be called pwh)

EPISODE 6: MR GLITCH-SHROOM Mr mushroom crashes this episode. Mr mushroom can sometimes be so powerful he makes the "simulation" glitch. The "simulation" or better known as the white void, is the location where Mr mushroom and his friends hanged out. But we will talk more about that in the future.

EPISODE 7: MUSHY-SPARTA This is a filler episode. It's just episode 1 but made as an Sparta remix. This was made by media who voiced Mr mushroom 2 times and made 3 episodes.

EPISODE 8: MUSHROOM DASH Another filler episode. Mr mushroom plays geometry dash this episode and gets "jumpscared" after clicking on a button in-game which reveals the medium difficulty face.

EPISODE 9: SCAREDY MUSHROOMS Mr mushroom hears strange noises until the first villain of the show is revealed. Meet bear 5! Bear 5 scares Mr mushroom and kills him. But Mr mushroom survives like a boss.

EPISODE 10: THE MR MUSHROOM The end of the series/season. Mr mushroom can't take the ending of his first season well so he loses control of his powers. But he decides to embrace this moment and uses his magic to pull out the end screen.


10TH place: MUSHY SPARTA. Very very filler episode and also takes so much time to end.
9TH place: MUSHROOM DASH. Same reason as mushy Sparta. This one takes longer and is atleast a bit better.
8TH place: MR GLITCH-SHROOM. not a lot happens. Sure Mr mushroom breaks the simulation but that's it.
7TH place: THE MR MUSHROOM. Yet again. Nothing happens. And Mr mushroom only shows his power for 2 sec.
6TH place: LOW QUALITY. Short episode. But it's kinda fun to watch. It's basic and simple.
5TH place: MAKE LOVE NO HATE. fun episode where Mr mushroom tells what he hates and explodes Mr tophat.
4TH place: SHROOMS. I know shocking it isn't first place but as a pilot episode it holds up well. just not that well.
3RD place: FIVE NIGHTS AT MUSHROOM. Metal mushroom is amazing and the episode is enjoyable.
2ND place: RAPPING FOR FRIENDS. the episode where we meet the fellow friends! And super-shroom is epic.
1ST place: SCAREDY SHROOMS. Fun rivalry episode. Luckily there will be more of bear 5 and Mr mushroom.


This part is all the episode pushed together to create lore.

Mr mushroom does some crazy stuff. He then turns himself low quality. He then accidentally explodes Mr tophat.  Mr mushroom then decides to make a Sparta remix of himself. He then plays geometry dash but gets scared. Mr mushroom now feeling alone he turns super and looks for friends by flying out the world. He then comes back to his location and raps. Then he meets potato with hat and Mr tophat. Potato with hat becomes friend with Mr mushroom and Mr tophat decides to also do it and forgive Mr mushroom for killing him. Mr mushroom then turns metal and plays a fun game with himself. But he accidentally summons bear 5 who kills him. Mr mushroom comes back and decides to release his inner power for 2 seconds


I rate this season: action packed. Mr mushroom does a lot this season. This really is Mr mushroom at its core. In the next chapter we will find out if mmaff series 2 could pull off the same charm this season has.

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