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CHAPTER EIGHTEEN "she's an angel"

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"she's an angel"


DECEMBER 27th 2022

as soon as caitlin texted paige saying to call diana, paige knew something was wrong. paige immediately called diana already worried about the girl. when diana picked up the phone paige's worries ended up being right. paige didn't know exactly what was happening but she knew that it was not good by the way diana was sobbing.

"hello." paige hears diana say in her sobbing state. "diana baby, i need to to calm down please. i know what ever it is, is hard but i need to breathe so you can tell me so i can help" paige tells the girl, really nervous something really bad could have happened but trying to contain herself from freaking out so the girl on the other end could calm down. "it my parents." diana says back.

paige immediately knew that this was worse than she could have expected. diana had told paige about her parents and all the shit they have done and not done. paige had also known that diana hasn't had contact with her parents in months so it must be bad if they were in contact again.

"what did they do to you baby?" paige questions not really realizing what she had called the girl. she was just so worried and trying to comfort her that the name just came out. "they had another kid paige." diana says back into the phone. sounding like she was breaking down more. "i just need you paige." diana says.

paige knew that the girl was serious and that she really did need her so paige did the only thing she could think of and grab her computer to book a flight to the girl as fast as she could. "i'll be there tomorrow baby." paige says pulling up delta airlines. "really?" diana questions hearing what paige had just said.

"of course i am, you said you needed me so im going to be there. i don't have any thing going on so im coming to be with you diana." paige tells the girl seriously. "thank you paige." diana says back softly thankful for the girl. "anything for you, im leaving tomorrow morning and i should be there at noon." paige tells the girl as she got everything booked. "you are amazing, im going to head to bed, my head hurts bad. i will see you tomorrow. we will be there to pick you up ok." diana says to the girl tiredly. "see you tomorrow diana. sleep good ok." paige says as she hangs up the phone to get packed and ready for bed herself.

DECEMBER 28th 2022

paige was excited to go to iowa. she was getting to see diana which made her extremely happy. she wished that she was going there for a different reason but at least she was going.

paige had nika drop her off at the airport. nika being the only one who paige had a chance to tell. it helped that they lived together. "be safe and text me when you get there ok." nika says giving the girl a quick hug. "i will and i will text you as soon as i can. see you soon" paige says back starting to walk away from her best friend.

paige was getting nervous. she wasn't nervous to see diana, she was just nervous to comfort diana. paige was never the type to comfort someone. it wasn't her thing but paige knew that diana needed her so she was going to be there for the girl.

when paige landed she texted nika letting her know and texted diana to also let her know that she landed and to tell her where she was going to be at so they could find each other easily. paige was almost the last one off the plane. she couldn't help but be nervous, she didn't want to be but she just was.

getting to baggage claim was easy, paige knew her way around anywhere even if she never been there before, paige never got lost. when paige got to where her and diana were said to met paige couldn't see diana anywhere but she spotted a tall brunette who she assumed was her old friend so she knew that diana had to be somewhere near.

"hey paige." caitlin says as paige walks up to her "hey caitlin." paige says back giving her old usa teammate a hug. "diana just went to the bathroom, she should be out soon." caitlin tells the girl knowing she was probably wondering where the girl is. just as caitlin finish's her sentence paige felt a tap on her arm. "hey paige." diana say looking up at the girl she has been waiting to see giving her a hug. "hey you." paige says back lifting the girl off her feet as she hugs back. "i've missed you so much paige." diana says into paige's neck where her head rests. "i've miss you too baby." paige says back not realizing what had slipped out of her mouth.

"ok love birds let's go home." caitlin says drawling the two girls out of the moment they were in. "alright let's go." diana says landing on her feet pulling paige to the exit.

on the car ride back to diana and caitlin's apartment the three girls talked about how basketball has been for the two players. they talked about school and other small talk. paige's nerves had went away the moment she saw diana, she knew there was nothing to be scared about and she was right. just like always.

"i'm so tired." diana says as they all walk into the apartment. "go to sleep?" caitlin says trying to be funny. "alright." diana says back giving the girl a side eye. "come on paige, let's get you unpacked." diana says walking paige to her room. "you're ok with staying with me in my room right?" diana questions the girl, unsure if she was comfortable with it even though the girls had shared a room before.

"of course i'm ok with it, i'm here for you and i want to spend every second with you. now do you want to talk about it?" paige's questions referring to it as diana's parents. "i don't know, i mean im just upset for that kid. they were never there for me and i know there not going to be there for that kid either. i just wish they were different." diana says looking down at her hands not wanting to make eye contact with the girl in front of her.

"im so sorry diana. i wish they were better for you. you deserve everything and more. i just wish they knew that. just try not to think about them ok. i will do anything to keep your mind off them." paige says holding the girls chin so she would look in her eyes. paige was trying her best to comfort the girl and even though paige wasn't good at it, it seemed like it worked. "you know you are amazing right." diana says smiling at the girl in front of her. "yea you've told me a couple of times." paige responds back with a even bigger smile.

i've missed yall
but im back and im going to try to write a LOT more!!!
so get hyped!!
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anyway enjoy

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