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CHAPTER NINETEEN "your lips, my lips"

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"your lips, my lips"


DECEMBER 31st 2022


diana has been doing much better over these past few days and she has paige to thank for that. paige has been a great help to the girl and diana could never do enough to repay her.

it was new year's eve and the basketball team and diana and paige were going out to celebrate it. diana and paige have grown closer then ever these past few days and diana's feeling for the girl has only gotten bigger. the two girls had been acting like a couple without even realizing. however everyone around them had noticed.

"you excited to go out?" paige asked the girl lying next to her. "yea, i feel like i haven't hung out with all the girls in such a long time, im also happy that you are here too." diana says tuning her head to look at paige. "im happy im here too." paige says tucking some of diana's hair that was in her face to behind her ear. "we better start getting ready." diana says getting up blushing from paige's action. "do we have to, let's just stay here for a little bit longer." paige says pulling diana back down and rapping her arms around her. "ok just for a little bit longer." diana says giggling.

"guys are y'all almost ready?" caitlin screams from the other side of the door. "there goes our few more minutes." diana says to paige as she gets up to open the door to talk to caitlin so she will stop yelling. "oh my gosh, did you just wake up! why aren't you ready yet. we are supposed to be leaving soon." caitlin says as she sees diana not ready to leave. "yes caitlin we just woke up, we will be ready in a few minutes ok." diana says shutting the door on caitlin so the girls can get ready. "well we better get ready before caitlin kills us." diana says to paige as she starts to pick out a outfit.

"finally yall are the slowest people i know. let's go." caitlin says as diana and paige walk into the living room. "god you are dramatic." diana says rolling her eyes, giggling with paige. "shut up before i leave you both." caitlin says walking out the door with the two girls following her.


paige had made her mind up. she was going to ask diana to be her girlfriend. paige was leaving in two days so if diana rejected the girl she wouldn't have to be in a awkward situation for long. paige was very nervous, she wanted diana to reciprocate the feelings the same way she did. paige was going to ask diana out when they were at the get together with the basketball team.

paige knew that her and diana would have alone time, pretty much the whole night. paige had told the team that she was going to ask diana out. so the team knew if they were talking amongst themselves not to bother them because they could ruin the moment. the whole team was super excited for paige to ask the girl out. they all knew that diana would say yes.

"paige are you ok?" diana asked the girl next to her in the car. "yea im alright, why?" paige replies "you just seem nervous." diana says looking at the girl who was sitting closest to the window. "no i'm alright, i promise." paige tells the girl holding out her pinkie to promise the girl. "you're so cute." diana says smiling, interlocking her pinkie with paige's.

as the two girls interact in the back of the car caitlin who is driving, can't help but smile at the two girls. caitlin knew that the two girls feeling for each other where strong and that they were only going to grow stronger.

when the girls got to gabbie's apartment where the get together was at, paige's nerves were through the roof but she tried to hide them, she didn't want diana to worry about her. "i'm so excited." diana tells the two girls as they walk into the apartment building. "same, the whole team hasn't hung out in so long." caitlin says. "i hope there's food." diana says hungry. "you just ate." caitlin says shocked on how the girl is already hungry. "if there isn't food i will get you some." paige tells the girl rapping her arm around her. "thanks paige." diana says blushing at paige's thoughtfulness.

as the night went on paige was trying to find the right moment to ask diana to be her girlfriend. paige wanted things to be perfect for the girl. paige decided that she was going to do it before the ball drop. she knew it was a bit cheesy but if diana had the same feelings for her then they could kiss at 12. paige thought that diana would appreciate the fact that it was all a little cheesy.

when it was almost time for the ball drop, paige couldn't help but get excited. she had faith that diana would want to be her girlfriend. "have you done it yet?" kate questions the girl who was getting a drink from the fridge. "no not yet. i'm going to do it soon tho." paige said kind of scared of kate. paige knew that kate was extremely protective over diana and that scared paige a bit. "ok, listen paige, i know that you care about diana a lot and that makes me happy because that girl deserves more then the world, but i swear if you ever hurt her, i will do everything in my power to make sure your basketball career is ruined." kate tells the paige very seriously, not playing around about her best friend. "i promise i won't do anything to her, kate i think im in love with her and i've never been in love with anyone ever. it's hard for me to let people in but when it comes to diana, i will do anything for her. you don't have to worry about me hurting her because i don't think i could." paige tells kate, letting her feelings out.

"i know you wouldn't try and hurt her, i just needed to let you know if you did then i would push you in the face." kate says. "well you definitely scared me so." paige says with a little laugh. "good, now you better go tell her before the night ends." kate says with a smile pushing paige to go talk to diana.

it was two minutes before new years and paige decided that it was the perfect time to tell diana. "hey diana i need to ask you something." "what's up paige." diana replied back looking at the girl next to her. "diana you know that i really like you and that i would do anything for you and i just need to ask you this and if you don't want it then i will be fine but i can't live without out asking. diana can i be your girlfriend." by the time paige had finish asking diana the ball was going to drop in seconds so diana decided to wait those few seconds before answering the girl's question.

as the ball dropped diana kissed paige. the two girls could hear the rest of the girls cheering. they didn't know if it was for them or if it was because it was a new year but they didn't care. all the two girls care about in that moment was each other.

"does that answer your question." diana says as she pulled away from the kiss. "i don't know, i think we need to kiss again and then i'll know." paige said giggling softly and pulling diana into another kiss.

hey y'all!!!!
i thought this character was cute even though i had to rewrite half of it 😆😆
i honestly didn't know how to write a kissing part because i have never written anything ever sooo i hope this was ok!
i keep saying im gonna try and write a lot but i literally never do so im gonna stop saying that 🫣
vote and comment!! yall are really funny
tbh yall should go follow my pinterest 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ its katemartinswife
anyway enjoy!

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