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CHAPTER TWENTY "you are in love"

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"you are in love"


JANUARY 1st 2023 

diana couldn't believe it. paige and her just kissed , and the even better part was that paige had just asked her to be her girlfriend. diana was over the moon, diana's feeling to the girl were stronger then they ever had been.

"before i leave i want to take you on a date." paige tells the girl."i think we can make that happen." diana says back smiling ear to ear. "good"

JANUARY 3rd 2023

it was the day before paige had to leave, even tho the two girls were sad, they were both very excited because they were going on there first date. "are you excited?" jada ask diana as gabbie and her helped the girl get ready for her date. "yes im so excited. she won't tell me what we are doing but i know that caitlin and kate had been helping her plan it." diana tells her friends. "well what ever it is, you are going to have fun" gabbie tells the girl knowing what the date is but not letting diana know that.

"guys we should go live." jada says having a addiction to going live. it was her favorite thing at the moment. "we should." diana says agreeing with her friend also loving going live.

"hey guys, im with gabbie and diana." jada tells everyone as they start to join. "what are yall doing." jada reads off a comment, "we are getting miss diana ready for a date." jada says smirking knowing the fans where going to go crazy over that, even though they won't know who the date was with, they all had a guess which was correct. "who is it with?" "it's a secret." diana answers that question. " hey guys." kate says walking into the room "kate!!" diana and jada say excitedly. "you almost ready for your date diana?" kate asks rapping her arms around the girls neck as gabbie does her makeup. "kate say hey." jada says showing kate the phone so she won't say anything about who the date was with. diana and paige had decided that they wouldn't tell the internet till they were farther along in the relationship.

"yea i am and im super excited." diana responds to kate's question looking up at her. "good you should be. you are going to love it." kate says as she sits on the bed as jada starts the girls hair.

as diana finished getting ready, she more then excited. diana had been wanting to go on a date with paige for years now, and the fact that she is going on a date with her and is her girlfriend made diana very happy. "guys how do you think me and gabbie did?" jada asked the live, knowing that they did good. "i think yall did great." kate says admiring her best friend. "thanks kate and thank you gabs and jada." diana says looking at herself in the mirror. diana always thought she looked best whenever gabbie and jada gets her ready.

"alright live we are going to go so diana can get dressed and so that when her date gets here yall aren't being noisy. byeee." jada says before ending the live to help the girls pick out a outfit. "it would help to know where i am going so you know i can pick out the right thing to wear." diana says giving kate the side eye knowing that she knows where she is going. "diana im not telling you wear yall are going but you should wear something warm." kate says before walking out of the room knowing of she stays she will give the date away.

"so what do we think?" diana says as she walks into the living room where her friends were. "ahh you look so good." jada says jumping up running to the girl. "thanks, where is paige?" diana ask caitlin who was with her last. "she's also done getting ready in my room. she didn't want to bother yall." as caitlin finishes her sentence paige walks out. "wow, you look amazing." paige tells diana as she walks up to her smiling ear to ear. "thanks paige, you look good too." diana says softly blushing hard. all of the other girls in the room seemed to disappear to the two girls. it was like the only thing that mattered was each other.

as diana's best friends watch the two girls interact, they can't help but smile at the site. they wanted diana to be happy and they wanted her to be happy with the right person and they knew that paige was the perfect person for her. "ok you guys should probably go." caitlin says pulling the girls out of their own world. "she's right, you ready?" paige ask diana. "yep let's go." diana says pulling the girl to the door. "bye guys see you later." diana yells to her friends as they walk out the door.

"so are you going to tell me where we are going?" diana questions paige as they get into her car. paige never let diana drive when ever they were together. "no. you'll see when we get there." paige said back. "ok well can you tell me how far?" diana asked trying to figure out where this date was. "it's 30 minutes away." paige says before driving away form the apartment building.

"ok close your eyes because we are almost there." paige tells diana as they get closer to there destination. "you aren't going to try and kill me right?" diana questions the girl. "no im not going to kill you." paige says laughing at the girl next to her. "alright just making sure." diana says with her eyes closed as she feels the car stop. "i'm going to come help you out just keep your eyes closed." paige says before getting out of the car.

"ok open your eyes." paige says as she stop diana from walking any further. "paige this is so cute, im going to cry." diana tells paige as she opens her eyes and looks at where she is at and the little picnic paige set up for them, there was no snow on the ground so paige had thought a picnic would be perfect. they were looking at a pond that was frozen over but still was so beautiful. "here sit." paige tells the girl, very excited but also somewhat still nervous. paige was scared that diana wouldn't like it even though all of diana's friends said she would.

"i know that you are allergic to flowers but i had to bring you some type of flowers so i built you these." paige tells diana while showing her the lego flowers she put together for her. "paige, you are the sweetest person ever." diana says taking the "flowers" from paige admiring them. diana thought this was the nicest thing someone has ever done for her.

"ok so i knew that your favorite food was sushi but i had to ask kate what your favorite type was and she said it was the spicy california roll so i got you that but i also got a couple other ones so we could try them." paige says as she pulls everything out of the picnic basket. all diana could do was smile, nobody has ever done anything like this before, she was love struck by paige.

"thank you paige, this is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me." diana says looking into paige's eyes as they were in peaceful silence. "of course, i would do anything for you. ever since i laid eyes on you i knew i would try and give you the world." paige said looking back into diana's eyes, resting her hand on her cheek, rubbing it slowly with her thumb.

in that moment diana knew that she was in love with paige and she had a strong feeling that paige loved her right back.

i've missed yall!
i literally didn't know what to write so this chapter took me like a week!
vote and comment!
anyway enjoy

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